If we are not killing a thread we should not sensor a member. especially a member that has proved himself. If you dont understand his lingo your not worthy of sticking around.
@Sidco_Cat is cool with me. How old is @sidco running a website for baby boomer and Gen X professionals?
I work in a shop. I am around grown human beings. I crack jokes all the time no matter what is being talked about. Convo “A” Leads into convo “B” which leads to…This is because of the seriousness and the humor and everything that is said. If you sensor anything than the talk is not real at all. You need to accept all talk up, down, left and right. Its the mix of it all that creates our final conclusions. Its the entourage effect of talk. You cant have serious without humor as you cant have THC with terpenes. The high is just boring at that point.
Would you believe I have actually spent time being concerned over running people off accidentally. When they really might have needed the help. Because I have! Too much time, in fact.
In the end, if they want to learn they don’t even have to ask questions. Literally just read for months and months before even posting. Because it’s all here in plain detail, how to and hot not to do everything.
If they get so bent out of shape about something I say that they’re willing to turn their backs on this place so full of knowledge because of me. They have more serious issue than the concern over open blasting! Fuck em.
If you want it you’ll get it. But don’t piss on your buddies couch for the third time just because you got too drunk. You can’t keep friends that way
Good discussion guys. Let’s get it all there. The only way to address a problem is identify it, and work on fixing it
Yes I think it is wrong to silence my guy because of humor. There is also a bigger point. If you silence him you need to silence others for the same off topic banter. We must chose where that line is and if we really want to silence people. It just all needs to be more universal.
I don’t know how old @sidco is, but I’d say old enough to have the skills to maintain a world class forum. Doing a bang up job of it, if my opinion counts for anything.
I see both sides of the picture, and of course I have to agree with both sides, because they are both right. We should be able to joke around and relax a bit when here, but we still should keep our community’s image in mind.
Is a bit of off topic banter and the occasional swear word going to scare away great new minds? Probably not. Will blatant sexism, racism, or angry political discussions turn away new users? Most definitely, while at the same time attracting potentially unsavory characters. Butthole jokes probably fall somewhere in between, and for the most part closer to the innocent side of the spectrum. I highly doubt they would seriously offend many people, but I can see how some of them may have cause a few snowflakes slight discomfort.
Bottom line, this place needs @Pupparoo. It just isn’t quite the same without him!
Like 30, idk where that puts me.
I dont want to be the joke police obviously. Its about derailing serious discussion. There has to be a line. I usually let it be crossed multiple times, multiple warnings, multiple DMs, it takes a lot and you know its coming when it happens. Then a short silence. They arnt banned, can still log in and DM and stuff. If 10 people like the joke and 10 people make 10 more jokes its now a derailed thread.
IMO, there is a way to joke while staying on topic and not just post about butts and handjobs for the sake of butts and handjobs, now its a meta joke because its the scary words youre not allowed to say, so I usually try to calm it down before I make a martyr. When pup comes back everyone is gonna be on the edge of their seats for a butt joke.
This is the internet. Wouldnt you find it frustrating if you had to read a butt joke in every single thread. Wheres your line, how would you handle the butt joke in every single thread if you were a mod here?
Being objective means accepting standards that you agree with and hate equally.
Stupid with room to learn. It applies at 40, 50 and 60 too.
I usually offend people at first because they think I’m being a dick or arrogant (that’s my favorite). Until they get to know me, and actually hear what I say. I’m literally allowed to say anything in front of whoever because the laugh will be worth the offense.
And it usually is. But, there’s a line. Again for me anyway. I would never even consider ever taking shit about @Sidco_Cat because I was mad her son. That really pissed me the fuck off, and I hate my mother.
But she doesn’t deserve to even have her name in the same thought as a negative one. The joke want even a little funny, and truly made me mad. Going the distance for the joke is necessary and required, but that wasn’t even in the same universe as funny. It was spiteful bullshit, any of you even thought of laughing at it. You have issues
But there’s the thing, we all have issues. This place has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. The things, and people I’ve been able to put together since becoming a member here is amazing. And I came knowing nothing about extraction. I know the people on Facebook were bullshit, and someone told me to read here.
I want everyone to feel exactly how I feel about this place, and you people. I may suck, but the majority of you are amazing. You each in your own way make me want to be a better person. Because of being an example, or THE example.
Sorry for errors, on mobile
I find it frustrating reading threads with MIS-Information. If I have to read through a butt joke to get the right info I will be laughing, happy and knowledgable at the same time. If I was to log into any other forum searching for the same info I would be weaving through almost hundreds of threads of people giving false info which frustrates me into taking the easy advice which is wrong and causing more issues and drama in my life for yet another year until I stumble upon future4200 which gives me great info, good people, good food, and a great way of learning the knowledge I want to know. If the people that teach that are butt teachers also so be it. I will take that over dealing with any other forum. Thats what makes future 4200, future 4200. If you took any of that away it would be future 4199 or less…
I find… that work has been keeping me too busy to troll. Touché universe.
Jokes are fun. Quit being the fun governor. It makes everyone’s lives easier.
Yes! That’s what I want this thread to be!
Let’s define the lines, and add it to the other bullshit no one reads when the click join. There SHOULD BE LINE! At least generally
Where’s @Killa12345’s silence? Half italics?
He is up there as far as derail HOF.
Yes Sir, and I agree.
I don’t know what the solution is, or can be. All I know, is that I’ve been trying hard to not just shit everywhere. Of course I don’t have the chance to read as much either, or have a need to stay 100 percent current on most things.
I know that, and is why I have been trying to not just be a dick for the sake of being a dick. Unless it’s warranted.
I have no doubt, that they knew they fucked up after it happened. It’s being able to stop it before the world can see it.
I viewed the world through really fucked up eyes for a very long time. Once I decided to change myself, the entire world changed. And the fucking world did it by itself for me! I can’t even describe it.
And it’s because of here, and you all
Where’s @sidco 's Gen Z response?
Feels good doesn’t it!
I agree, because it’s usually the others that have me wanting to beat them senseless because they don’t understand that butane is heavier than air. As an example.
I can’t take going through a thread with more 20 posted these days. Mainly because the title of thread gives the description of the first question, and it isn’t anything about that 100 posts later usually anyway
@Capttripppp You do not shit everywhere. The thing is if the only thing this forum actually achieved was getting you out of Alaska and making you appreciate yourself a little more this place is successful for just that. I do not know another place ONLINE that would do that. This place is amazing and I love it. I love you and I love everyone here. Thats why it hurts so bad when one takes down another. Thats not why we are here. I abandoned any and every forum I was on to ONLY be here. I could name names but there is no need. Alot of us might not feel love within our own city but with this forum we can feel love worldwide. You block some of my love when you block a member. I guess %98 love is the same right?