Disassembling Delta CUP-15 for moving

We have to move a CUP-15 from one lab to another and have some lifting capacity issues. We won’t have access to a truck with a liftgate or a forklift. If anyone can advise if the extractor can be disassembled to lessen the weight to move it. I.e. with regular tools can we take off the basket, possibly electrical and the motor? We are also thinking of using 2x10 as ramps from a pickup truck but doubt they can handle the weight.

rent a uhaul motorcycle trailer/trailer with a ramp. drop the gate on the curb and it’s basically flat. $20-$30 for a day rental

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I don’t know if Uhaul is going to have one but the phrase you need to use “drop deck equipment trailer”. That and a pallet jack should do it.

Alternatively, get a friend with a skid steer and fork attachment and put it on a normal trailer


Misuse of an engine lift and a lever?

900lb fuge

Retrieved from 18” below grade.

Not a trick I recommend…


If you send me your email, I can send you the drive removal document. That will break the unit down into three pieces.


Thank you all for the suggestions.

@cyclopath the person transporting it for me actually mentioned the same thing, but would it even be able to lift it high enough into a pickup truck.

@ETSBossMan DM sent

Nope….I only needed to get it on the lift gate.

Definitely the wrong tooling…but a rented forklift didn’t look any easier, so we ran with it.

A truck with a lift gate is pretty trivial to rent. A CUP-15 should be easily convinced to get 2 in in the air, one wheel at a time (correct leverage).

I’ve moved 800mm Chinese fuges (3000+lb) with a 2-ton engine hoist on more than one occasion. Unlike the CUP’s, most don’t come on wheels…

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Easier with a heavier helper