Did i burn my crude useless?

Noob here messing things up, nothing new. Apparently, after further investigating on this ever so helpful site, i realized i cooked my crude in a SPD with a vac leak. It bubbled around 80°c then i raised temp higher and higher and higher by 200°c with no bubbling and nothing being pulled, i shut it down. Did i wait too long? I imagine i burnt all the good stuff away? Please spare me, im afraid and learning. Thanks

Did you lose significant volume/ weight?

I doubt you ruined it, although it may be cbn heavy now


Always check for vac leaks and depth before getting into temps so this doeant happen.

And x2 on the cbn

I’ve fucked up plenty of runs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You’re fine. Maybe isomerisation to CBN, but even with leaks I’ve only ever managed to get 8% cbn on a run unintentionally, and that was a bad run lol.

I’m gonna say you’re absolutely fine.

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@Apothecary36 @Demontrich @tweedledew thank u guys. I did not lose much, if any, volume. Using vac manifold gauge that doesn’t even read in microns. I will take apart and follow instructions more precisely. I may have multiple issues going on here lol if only there was someone in the New England area that could assist my first run.

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