Did @etsgang snitch out @subzeroscientific? ASME and OLCC confusion? is this what our industry has come to?

Show me your smoking gun. I am blind.

Help me help you.

i know sublime has one. and there are a lot of shop in china that hold them. but as a buyer of chinese steel, i also know there is ways around some of this stuff.


If BVV or XD or others are putting falsified ASME certification plates on their vessels, to my mind that’s even worse than subzero implying they have an ASME stamp when they don’t.

I’ve never met a Chinese company that holds an ASME stamp that would be willing to jeapordize that. Can the plates be falsified? Sure. But thats also easy enough to catch by checking the registration details with ASME.



It get’s complicated with Chinese ASME fabricators. We have seen fake stamps and we know there are also quality shops with actual ASME stamps in china as well. In a way it insulates supplier by going overseas because everything gets so murky. My answer is I have no opinion on these vessels, they are cheap for ASME standards, but it doesn’t mean they didn’t come from an ASME shop.

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what if they are just copying a plate of a know asme company? its been offered. just saying. china will do some shady shit still.

money talks.

I just don’t see the equivalent between “USA company is manufacturing and selling equipment that absolutely must be ASME stamped per the regulations” and “company that imports Chinese goods may be falsifying their ASME certifications on some of those goods.”

They’re similar, but really completely different. Both should get called out if true. It’s the same overall safety issue.


The neutrality and respect for safety isn’t anything anyone here is dismissing. The methodology of corrective actions is. Once you go cop, you’re a cop.

If you’re talking to me here, the clamps on the unit are not ASME clamps. They are standard high pressure clamps that fall outside of ASME requirements. It’s the easiest tell there is if you’re looking at a ASME design. It supports that they aren’t misrepresenting themselves as an ASME shop, if they were they would have used different clamps. I think they took their ethanol FFE design and slightly modified it to run butane without checking on pressure code. I could be wrong, but that’s how it appears. It’s a fixable design error and nothing more in my opinion.


A pictures worth a thousand words. Please show me your smoking gun. @ETSgang along with your report to the OLCC

Don’t let that option escape your minds.

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From the subzero website. They make 8" FFEs. Over 8" and 15psi needs to be ASME stamped.

I dunno how they got a PE to stamp a peer review report. I don’t know any way it could possibly be compliant without an ASME stamp.


if you know what asme clamps and standard hp tri clamps are… its really easy


I am looking for what they’re mad over. The actual hashtagged post.

What made them call the authorities? Exactly.

Their smoking gun and reason for their own drama

Maybe the 8" ones are third party stamped and you don’t know their third party.

I’d imagine this post.

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You and I both know if you want it stamped and don’t have it in house you can get it stamped. Right? Same page they could still be legit?

So where do we draw the line and call the authorities? When your trail goes cold and you can’t figure out how they do business?

#Asmewelder I spotted. This the post @ETSgang ?

You don’t “get a vessel stamped” after its built. That’s not how it works in the real fabrication world. There are design elements that have to go into the process, documentation, testing, verification, re-certifications, reporting etc. for ASME. It’s literally why an ASME vessel is more expensive.

It doesn’t mean it’s necessarily an unsafe vessel, but that doesn’t make it compliant. Looking at their shop I would 100% use them for contract manufacturing if we had a need based on the quality you see in their fab work. We can’t use them for any ASME vessels because they are not certified, it would never even come up in the conversation with a non-ASME shop.


I sense, mistake was made and back away is healthy choice.


Or continue…

People in glass houses hate rocks


Can a 10" tri clamp ever be stamped for the use of butane? Or is 8" the largest that can be used


I’m not an expert at all in this and looks like ets is responding too. But purge has those like 12 in tubes with clamps ( super heavy duty) that are ASME certed

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