Diamonds turning into chalk post separation

Yea so maybe diversified isn’t as great as everyone thinks. Or I keep hearing that diversified fills Kaplan and everyone just gets their gas from Kaplan.

I was invited to go to a gas innovation facility in Texas to show how they do everything to make me feel better but I’m not sure how much good that is considering I don’t think the issue is from dirty tanks but an upstream contamination.


If you take them up on it, hit us up for dinner while you’re in town :call_me_hand:


I’ve been called close from time to time

If you wanna give me call could listen to ur process and see if we can spot the intruder


Ok well I am doubling down. My mother liquid from my rapid crash chalk stones jar just tested positive for benzene. I think the fast crash is being caused by benzene. It has a higher boiling point that would explain the absurd stability of the jar even when super wet and I think normal purging sop will pretty much remove it to ND levels. @johnbigoilco @Dred_pirate @hambread @Coldknock can someone else test their mother liquid completely unpurged and check for benzene?


This is it.

There is another thread about benzene in tanks.

Most people are doing sugars and batters and not noticing. It’s the diamonds that are the tell tale sign.

This will probably become a litmus test for testing dirty tanks


It seems you started a thread about this 25 days ago so it makes sense:


That I did and while I thought I figured out an answer to the problem it apparently persists. I’m giving @GasLogix-Adam West coast gas a go because though I have figured out how to get the benzene purged out to ND levels it seems my methods of preventing it in the first place have been fruitless.


Your using infinite for testing right? I’ll have somone send a sample but at our regular labs nothing has popped but we haven’t sent in pentane mother liquor from recrashes


This was butane mother liquid from a recrash. I think the pentane diluted it enough for it not to be a problem. Yes im using infinite and they will find it and even call and tell you if it shows any signs below LOQ. For those of you looking for a good cali lab I’ve worked with a bunch and can not recommend infinite enough, they won’t inflate numbers but I’ve found it far more worth it to have the highest accuracy as apposed to highest test results.


And are you sending R&D samples that you fully expect to fail for residual solvents?. All the stuff I still see significant benzene in still has like 20000 ppm of butane still. If I purge it how I normally would it isn’t there.

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Damn. Nailed it? (Not me)

Chalk diamonds = benzene fails. Yikes.

Also: who supplied it


No we have not. But we did take gas straight from the tanks and added it to some disty and sent it into the lab came back 30000k butane and nothing else. Asked the lab if there was a chance they were missing benzene and they said not a chance. I don’t know if I believe them tho. So I’ll try out infinite.

Solvent direct is on the list of companies. Lol


Just don’t tag them so this continues to be a useful discussion lmao.


Anyone getting bad gas from Tennessee. I just ordered a 500lb tank of N

Link me to the issue linking involved suppliers.


Where the finger gets pointed would save me a lot of Scrolling.

Trying to follow invoices to date of benzene tests is rough.

@johnbigoilco mentioned using solvent direct and the chalky diamond issue still happening. Everyone supplied by diversified (I believe is the name)


I wanna just follow the chain if we can. Which is hard.

I’ve literally been in solvent and hydrocarbon supply to big boy labs. So I understand it comes from fewer sources than thought.

Kaplan, Praxair, airgas, none have it narrowed down?


Correct, solvent direct, cannagas, and west air have all had these issues.


Not surprisingly it’s their primary suppliers issue, harming them.