Diamonds education

Thanks man and ya that was plan gonna pull this and add to it before continue was the plan this jar was only a 2.5 lb column this is a 5 so figure add to it

Are you cleaning that solvent before using it? It’s important


I meant 50-70% THC, it is crude oil that is fresh out of the machine. There is likely some residual THCA in there.

Yes some have formed crystals while others haven’t. Frankly I am unsure of the differences between vessels, except for the fact that some lids have been leaky, allowing some pressure to escape. We noticed the ones having trouble nucleating were a bit oversaturated, so we removed some pressure and thus excess solvent to get to the level of the other ones that are growing.

Crystallization rate seems slow, its like a jelly type consistency with visible crystals when we shine a light into the peep. Seems like they are staying on the bottom though which is good. I would say the consistency is somewhere in between water thin and molasses thick, like jelly with visible crystals.

I appreciate your detailed responses and questions, these are the things we missed when initially educated on the topic! Any other recommendations (generally or specifically)?

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THC does not crystallize, THCA does. If your crude is decarbed then you’re never going to get crystals.



We do not put the BHO oil in the ovens when we are doing crystallization, so I suppose there is some ratio of THCA:THC…

Which patent pertains most to what I have described with my methodologies?

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You mean using a second solvent? I have read a few things about acetone, is that the way to go?

Is recrystallizing necessary?

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Decarb can happen pre-extraction.
So what these guys are saying is that if enough of your THCA has decarbed, either pre-extraction deliberately or accidentally because of age or poor storage, or decarbed afterwords intentionally, you will have trouble with the crystallization if its partially decarbed, or it will never crystallize if its fully decarbed (or close to it) because ∆9-THC is an oil at room temps, whereas THCa is a solid at room temp.


Really, you should get some analytical testing on each batch of crude if you are unsure of how fresh it is or how is was stored. You’ll need to get some sort of liquid chromatography (HPLC, UHPLC, LC-MS) as a GC based test is not appropriate for resolving THCa from ∆9-THC.

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US Application

It wont explain step by step methods in lament terms… it presents them as concepts

@fluffhead if you’re still unclear on the difference between THC and THCA, you should definitely exercise the “I’d like to buy a clue” option.

while this was the correct response, you have the concept of saturation backwards here…more reading or a class would definitely be helpful.

There are a number of verified consultants on here, and a huge number of highly qualified and very helpful individuals. Some of whom may even give personalized clue sessions without monetary compensation.

you have not stated where you are located, doing so, and asking about classes or personal consults in your area might be worthwhile.

if you need an excuse for visiting vegas, I recommend Extracts Academy


Instead of being condescending like this, a nicer, more appropriate response would have included some helpful links so I can be more educated on this subject in the future. I am new to this industry, and I am eager to learn all I can.

Telling you that you got it right, but for the wrong reasons is NOT being condescending. it’s being honest. read it again.

If you are unclear on THCA vs THC to the point that you think there might be residual THCA in your BHO, you should absolutely read more or take a class.

how is that being condescending? reading more or taking a class is an appropriate response when one wishes to gain further knowledge in any subject. You know you need it, so why get pissed at me for saying so?

don’t like the “I’d like to buy a clue” ?
get over it and go buy one.
Either a class or a consult.

you can thank me later. or tell me to fuck off. I really don’t care either way.

helpful links? I’d posit that I provide more of those than almost anyone else on this forum. I recommended extracts academy, and pointed you at the verified consultants.

what more do you want? that I have no fun at all answering your question?

that would be work, and would require compensation.


I’ll train you for 5k


I’ll do it for $5 less than him @fluffhead



I’ll teach you for free, Only The Strong sauce tek - #1024 by Cryo13


Or charge and just print out otss :rofl:

Hey man so I have some stuff I’m trying to throw in the oven and make into some diamond I got nothing but time and great stuff. It’s unterped and has amazing flavor and potency as is I get high as hell of it. Using the oven method what would be my steps ? Appreciate any knowledge at all. Will
Be using mason jar and will be adding terp profiles from full spectrum terps after diamonds are formed.