Diamond + sauce /shatter comparison yield

Quick question.

I can get about 50% more money for an htfse/sauce/diamond style extract compared to shatter.

If I’ve got a dewaxed starting tincture in pentane.

Should the yields i get from shatter be the same as if I made diamonds with the sauce on top?

Am I just effectively creating the same thing but giving it more time to change forms?

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Some of y’all must have some knowledge :stuck_out_tongue:

There aren’t any different steps involved in the extraction. So I can’t foresee there being any real difference…

Sauce usually yields more because of the higher Terp content especially running live material


If ur making a diamond sauce and not adding or taking just whatever it gives then yes ur weight should stay same bc shatter is just thcA terps and other cannabinoids. You shouldn’t lose anything unless u winterized to get fats out first


Ayyyy guess that settles it then. Get your quantity and price point boys and gals

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