Diamond Mining New Tech

And I ignored your little spiel about taking your ball and going home, but I’m over that attitude when newbs come in and get a little pushback.

You have to realize a ton of people think this forum is their golden ticket to an easy million bucks, so we get a ton of bullshit here. Between shady processers, growers, bm slanger, lying equipment manufacturers, etc.

So people absolutely take all this shit with a grain of salt when someone makes any claims to be unique.

If you can’t handle the scrutiny on an open source forum, then bye bye, you’re not going to be missed very much.


Im sorry I thought you were done with this…

I’m sorry I’m over people crying about questions.

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Is anyone actually interested enough to give homie their materials?
  • Yea
  • Nah

0 voters

Let’s see what everyone says

You were the one crying i didnt provide enough information, once I did, it was too bold. As im trying to protect myself and what I have worked quite hard to design and manufacture…

Again, you clearly arent the one to help. Just leave it there man…

I’m going to throw my irrelevant two cents into this. curious Roberto, you’re being annoying as fuck. You’re fighting this weird one-sided battle with this guy who is being very clear about his intentions. You’re just throwing gasoline on a fire that doesn’t exist. We get it, you believe in the weird hierarchy of the new people coming here. But this guy is doing nothing wrong or inflammatory whatsoever.

Just my thoughts reading through this post that became a waste of time :slight_smile:


How much material do you need?

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Sure, that’s your opinion.

I’m over people wanting money and not giving to the community.

I’ll be annoying to get as many details as possible for people.

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Alright bud… lolz

This dude is literally just looking to partner up with people to test a new product for the community. He made it clear he has nothing to share besides his desire to gather data right now so he can actually have something to share. Thanks for being annoying “for the people”


Again, I’ll ask how many times equipment companies come in with vague claims?

And how many times are they questioned about it? Is it only because they’re from China?

If you’re located in the usa do you get a pass?

He’s not making any fucking claims LOL he’s literally saying he wants to test the product with people so he has claims to make. You kept prodding for details That don’t yet exist so he threw a couple examples out there of the potential for his product. Once again, you’re throwing gasoline on a fire that doesn’t fucking exist


That means your paying for it right?

That’s what the first post said.

Sure, ok

Good luck on your r&d

Ideally we are looking to be able to try and work with someone and purchase about 1L of product for them to play and test with. We have some SOP’s we have been working on and want to try and dial in better and we want that partner to feel as if they have the same freedom to make their own while doing so.


that’s helpful…and doesn’t give away the farm.

good luck!

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Edit: Drunk.

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With or without its original terps?

Either option,

The system has a lot of controls and tracking, expansions are easy to integrate as the process demands upgrades out of the trials and results we get.

I know an analytical lab in illinois that would definetly be willing to work with you if thats what your looking for.