Deutsche closed loop

Anyone seen this? Looks expensive. Does anyone else pronounce this company name like the feminine hygiene products?


It’s pronounced kind of like the German name for Germany (Deutschland) Deutch-ah is how to pronounce it. My old boss at loudpack used to call our filter from them the douche machine (like the feminine product) so I don’t think you’re alone there.

Their equipment is almost too big for our industry and there have been some not so great stories about them here (though I don’t think the operator was the best at running their equipment either). It seems like this is the right size for us. I don’t know the price tag.

I remember the rotax they made and I agree with it being too big for this industry.

Excited to see how many semi trailers full of stainless gear they are bringing to mjbiz this year

Why not just ask em :call_me_hand: @DeutscheProcess


Ask them what?

What question did I pose?

How much gear they are bringing to Vegas

Hahahaha at 0:32 “smaller scale in mind” and then BOOOOMMMM!!!