How does denatured alcohol stand up against iso alcohol in regards to clean lab glassware?
(I could not find a straight answer on the internet, or the almighty future search bar, so don’t post any damn spoon pictures. LOL.
How does denatured alcohol stand up against iso alcohol in regards to clean lab glassware?
(I could not find a straight answer on the internet, or the almighty future search bar, so don’t post any damn spoon pictures. LOL.
Both clean glass well. Difference is about residuals. Which will be denaturant specific.
Little bit of benzene in your liquor can go a long way if you smear it all over the lab.
That’s what we use in body shops to remove tree sap.
Autodetailer tip #1
So the definitive answer is to not use this for cleaning glassware?
That’s cooking fuel for a portable grill.
Im going to take this as a definitive yes to my last question. A simple yes would have sufficed instead of condescension, but extractors must not harbor great people skills. LOL
why not take the MSDS published by the manufacturer as the definitive answer?
Is this better than Isopropanol?
pick your poison…
as mentioned above: it depends on how it was denatured.
If that is not listed on the bottle, you need to hit the manufacturers website and find their Safety Data Sheet or Material Safety Data Sheet. eg:
then you weigh 30-60% methanol against Isopropanol, based on the listed hazards.
I prefer to use terpshine for cleaning.
So long as I’m sure about pesticides.