Delta 8 legality in non medical/rec states



Any government statement is persuasive authority, which is different than controlling authority.

D8 is clearly an analogue of d9. We went through this in the 90s with the designer drugs. You don’t get to make a minor change to a molecule and call it legal.

The hemp argument is going to eventually get laughed out of court. And someone will probably go to jail over it eventually. Lots of internet geniuses once thought that they found a loophole out of income tax. Ask wesley snipes how that turned out.

To tell people that d8 won’t get them in trouble, while at the same time peddling it for profit is the utmost in irresponsibly. Do you really think every single cop in the world is going to buy your story? Good luck even conveying to a local judge that d8 isn’t d9. That kind of argument could fly on appeal, but you might also be in prison making new friends while you wait on your appeal to be heard.


Bingo. I want people to really think about this hard. Let’s say d8 IS truly legal, and you sell it in an unfriendly state. You go to court and you get acquited. What happens the next day? News stories about “kids getting high, our politicians are doing nothing, we can’t allow this in our communities”. The state does an emergency ban on d8, and for good measure they also ban CBD, because it’s a precursor, and because it was that damn hemp cbd bill that let the d8 in to begin with. A whole state closed to the industry. And then other states looking to do the same. Maybe congress even starts having second thoughts.

People in this country can’t be counted on to NOT overreact. If you’re not thinking about this and are just thinking “I have a loophole and I’ll get acquitted”, you’re doing a disservice to everyone in this business.



Bingo. Expect it. And the guy selling D8 carts that have 4% D9 in em?


The way I hear it, the only thing scary about d8 is the fact it has the letters THC. I have an understanding there are more powerful cbd conversions than d8.

Example: So what makes CBN protected but d8 not? What causes the fear? The letters THC.

Word on the street is this is just the start.

Something about the receptors and binding affinity. We already opened Pandora’s box. Good luck closing it this time.


I have access to both CBN and D8.

I can take 25-50MG of CBN and have a nice nights sleep, over 50mg and I feel groggy.

If I take 25-50MG of D8 I will get incredibly high. Not violently high or comatose baked. But really, really high none the less.

I think the regular smokers out there that try it and are like “meh it’s diet thc” shouldn’t forget it will get some people absolutely toasted.


I can go on about other cbd conversions. That get you high… I got talked to about the Verins, CBND, and plenty of others that get you “vibing,” and potent sleep aids are always to be controlled too…


The argument can go on and on, I’m gonna get paper. Texas Hemp Program is as best as an authority as I need to defend myself

Some supposedly are double digit multipliers compared to D9. So the 75% measurement for D8 won’t be anything like the reps of other cannabinoids coming to market.

I’d love to see the DEA try and analogue act every single cannabinoid that can convert from cbd. When cbd is now flooded and tanking? Worlds largest game of whackamole. America is way to lit to play those cards right now.

Seriously tempting me to just video me holding pounds of hemp flowers in a giant Santa Sack with d8 cart puffing in front of the Alamo.

Big ol “Come and Take it!” Shirt.





Should make the carts diet thc branded

You do know there’s studies showing d8 doesnt effect children like it does adults

Theres a reason its administered to kids with cancer in Israel

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The analogue is part of the CSA you know that right?

You know what that means…

It doesn’t apply to hemp!!!

Keep trying though your emotions must be over running right now since you can’t see logic

Drug code 7350 makes thc illegal, read *5

It’s not marinara! Pasta time!

I emailed our testing facilities head chemist earlier. The lab is a schedule 1 DEA Lab. I know he’s not a lawyer, but if I have Texas COA from a scheduled 1 DEA lab saying it’s not marijuana and a letter saying it’s ok from the exact department that oversees processing of hemp in Texas. What more do you need? Other than proof it came from hemp that was legally grown on a licensed farm and processed in a legally licensed facility.


You’re good G. We Texans have had all the time in the world to watch and learn. Now it’s time to play ball. Even if it scares others.


Actually neither are particularly protected. Some states that modified their controlled substances code identify “any similar synthetic isomer” and “any psychoactive substance”.

If little johnny gets baked on d8/cbn etc at school and makes the news in a state where there’s a legitimate argument hemp derived of these is legal, it just takes legislators going clickity click click click send - to add new language outlawing these.

Which is why either the industry reins in the dipshits or everything goes up in the flamey flames.

It’ll go state by state. Cannabinoid by cannabinoid. Time is on our side for this now.

Smoke shops used to sell MDPV & Spice. Everything is a limited time, but cbd is now a giant road block for anyone trying to hault its conversions.

This is why there should be no grey line. Either your legal and mess with cbd or your illegal messing with thc. Things were a lot easier in the past when it was all illegal and it took some balls to do some of this stuff