Delta 8/intoxicating hemp regulatory and enforcement actions/news

I bet you come from reddit

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Go back to campaigning for TL4 so you can satisfy your fragile ego.

Because I’ve been campaigning since 2021, right? Go back to reddit, where your dirt hash and inexperienced opinions are appreciated

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The fact you’re campaigning at all is laughable, is it really something you desire?

I wonder what sense of accomplishment comes from moderating a drug forum that is actively a dumpster fire.

You forgot tar. They always forget the tar man.

it’s the most important ingredient

That one flew over your head. Do you think I seriously wanted @spdking back too?

You need more “epicuticular waxes” tbh

Of course, there is nothing better than concentrates/extracts that coat your lungs with plant waxes.

It’s even better when the consumer has no idea and you sell it to them anyways.

Not sure it did, i favored pointing out that whatever your motivation is, it’s laughable.

I’ve had a ton of reddit people laugh at me, but not one of them has any accomplishments to measure their scorn against. Im ok with unsuccessful people disliking me

What’s with the reddit obsession?

Did someone from reddit hurt you?

Reddit is the reason this forum is the way it is these days


New campaign promise inbound?

i promise to remove/ban/silence all of the reddit users if elected TL4

I already promised to silence everyone, thats good enough a promise

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I’d make the argument it’s more due to the legal high crowd, but the venn diagram would just be a circle

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I was gonna say the d8 crowd. Once d8 became semi mainstream Pandora’s box opened and everyone came for a run on it. Now d8 is cheaper than CBD isolate.

The K2 crowd. Can’t have the real thing because they’re military/job is federal and testing. Everyone ready to sell anything without concern over what is being consumed. The smoke shop sales.


In 2018 this site had the most concentrated data on d8.

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Capitalism… such a beautiful thing.


Eh, placing blame on capitalism is silly. China is supplying most our imports and they’re not under capitalism. Everyone in the world shares in greed. Which is ironic. Because the greedy don’t share.

I reckon it still does. Highly doubt another forum / crawled website compares. Reddit maybe now? They’re the #1 referral to the site without a doubt. So you have a point.

D8 has been here the entire time, same with drama, threats, doxing, cart sellers, scammers, and consultants.

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Which came first lol

The d8 or the drama.

D8 and dirt dick measuring.