Delta 8 CLEAR Flash Sale

@Photon_noir that’s definitely the idea behind some of the unknowns work we do for clients on the GC-MS/MS. The libraries aren’t all encompassing, so we are lucky to have a team and partners that are able to explore the unknowns further. Part of the issue is not having enough financial interest from clients (scientific interest is easy) to drive more private research.


Ahhh I was unaware of this. Hence why I was attempting to press the issue. Since he had gone out of his way to troll several of my posts and went to the extent it rly to follow me to several other threads continuing to troll.

So I appreciate it and I’ll refrain from pressing the matter


Thanks man.

And thanks to @roiplek as well, your activity on the forum since, from what I’ve seen, has been constructive and positive.


I am willing to put money into it, as long as I get to know and share the results! Please email me (I think you have my address), or hit me up in DM, here, @kcalabs!


You should tread very, very lightly because anyone can fact check my criticism of your scammy sugar and they will end up realising that you’re in fact committing fraud through intentional false advertising of your product.

@ClearScience (among many others) contacted me privately to acknowledge me rightfully calling you out and confirming that he found all of my other contributions to be correct as well.

I have no interest in harming anyone’s business, but i will not knowingly allow anyone to defraud their customers and bring a bad reputation to this forum and the industry in general.

Your behaviour is anything but utterly repulsive and you’d be better off shutting up before i look into and expose what other shit you may have tried pulling off.

In conclusion (@Future - you’ll have to allow me this one), the fact that you haven’t brought any arguments in order to challenge my criticism and only insisted on claiming that I’m intentionally trolling you speaks volumes.


I think i speak for many other when i say i think we would all be willing to chip in some funds to get this information public and shared with the masses.

If there is need for more funding let the community know!


@Future you wonder why I try to shut this kid up… whatever your telling him ain’t work man. “Please allow me this one” is going to be his new catchphrase.

I’m not even going to respond how I was gonna cause it’s just gonna inflame it more.

I’ll let you deal with this how you see fit.

As far as I can see, he hasn’t broken any rules. He obviously has some sort of grievance with you, which is not grounds for banning anyone

So then I can continue trolling him into the ground?

I stopped because you said you talked with him and I was trying to relieve the situation.

Ya he’s got a stick up his ass with about 20 different people. I just make him eat his shit every time he shows how ignorant he is so he isn’t a fan. But I mean I’ll stop if you’d like. It was made to seem you had a nice mature chat with him and he wasn’t going to be such a flamer obviously that didn’t take I guess?

Definitely would be cool to be able to show people COAs that account for everything in my samples for sure


The ban this kid was more rhetorical. If we banned people for trolling then you’d have a list a mile long lmao.


He was a bit trolly before. Since we spoke he’s definitely reigned it in. Even still. That was a pretty reasonable complaint. Obviously I have no idea if it holds any water, but that doesn’t matter to me as a moderator. I’m not the truth police. Just trying to keep the place friendly


Take it to the DM’s, there you can at least keep it private and not in the form of troll posts on numerous threads.

I’m not singling either of you out and not saying this would stop the trolling but it should at least be attempted to resolve a “beef.” I think everyone here could be better about keeping the personal battles/fights in a more private 1 on 1 form.


:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

First all the clubs and bars shut down… and then no more Future4200 drama and entertainment…

you have to allow a little fun still

im sure this all will be a lot less when everyone can wander again!


Hi im the fun police! keep those masks on and stop fighting in public.

Unless its in the echo chamber then fight it out in public for all to enjoy the inevitable shit show of dick swinging that comes with big egos, know it alls and the internet.


I challenge Siosis and roiplek to see who can get the first compliant D8 sample to KCA…winner takes all


% of unknowns should be a factor too


I appreciate that, @thesk8nmidget! I will let you know! @kcalabs did email me, so we have begun another conversation regarding this analytical need.

Btw, it’s all fun & games until someone gets poked in the eye with a swinging dick!




Is this even a sals thread anymore?

Second edit:

This would have been better if it was syrup/ AGT-50 :joy::man_facepalming:t3: