Delta 10 THC

If youre not pulling all the cannabinoids from your crude then your temps are off. Sounds to me like you dont have the correct setting and correct vac levels for proper seperation. Theres no reason you should be leaving any cannabinoids behind. Like i said above its much easier to distill something out of a thin film then a big ball of material. Sounds like you need to turn the wiper basket up more, or your not deterping correctly to get good seperation. Ive hit over 99% on warm extracted hexane crude with no scrubs. Its all about proper vac level for separation. The deeper the vac the better seperation of boiling points. On the VTA i was sub 1 micron, youll never hit that on an SPD without 30k for a diffusion pump. Id way rather run crappy crude through a wiper then an SPD. I never have any problems with volatiles on a wiper


Really got to disagree with you there. I get D9 numbers on wiped film in the 90s all the time, first pass. The yield is also fine. I don’t even run multiple pases. As far as labs missing the changes, even if they don’t detect the mystery peaks directly, it still shows up as low potency.


It wasn’t my wiped film system so i can’t speak to that. But also keep in mind this was really shitty crude that gummed up that system bad enough that it took him hours to clean it.

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Certainly agree with that analysis. But I would also mention that I have seen isomerization occur with wiped film. Isomers were mitigated to a degree but still showed up in testing.

@extractepic, I guarantee the isomerization youre talking about wasnt because of the wiper, something else happened to cause it. Either incorrect PH or maybe someone decarbed it for wayyyy too long. It wasnt because of the wiper you got isomerization, it would have happened on an SPD too

What is the content of your starting material? D9 and total cannabinoid?

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50-60 % total cannabinoids usually.


you are correct. it was not the wiper. and the same material isomerized much more drastically when run on SPD (as well as spinning band). the wiped film mitigated the isomers slightly, but was not the final answer to avoiding D9 conversions.

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Sounds like the PH was off, did they do a scrub with c bleach or something?

Has anyone taken the “d10” THC and run a 13C DEPT NMR experiment? This experiment is able to differentiate the primary and tertiary carbons from secondary and quartenary carbon with will give us a lot of information on whether someone has accessed d-10 THC

I think that’s really needed right now. All this talk of d10 is just speculation right now. No lab can test for it because there are no standards only guesses.

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I find it hard to believe you are going from 50-60 to 90-100 in a single pass on wiped film. Going to need flowrates and conditions on this one.

CBC runs very differently on GC than “d10”. The mystery peak isn’t CBC, but it’s UV-vis looks like CBC.


I did spiking experiments on GC with @highestzen sample of d10 and bad oil. The peaks overlap perfectly. My only question is whether I’m right or wrong about the 2 peaks being diastereomers of d10.

We’ve seen them appear in wiped film.

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I posted test results of such wiped film and so have other people. If you want to do it yourself you’re welcome to consult with me; or check out the VTA SOP posted by @Kingofthekush420, which wouldn’t be a bad place to start. My parameters were different but not that different.


Why is it so hard to believe that a wiper can hit such purity levels so easy? People hit 95%+ total active cannabinoids all the time on an SPD first pass. A wiper gives better vac and seperation over a thin layer.


Im meeting with fusion farms today to get a sample of this to try… Hopefully ill have some to bring to vegas.


I was gifted some of this by nick at fusion farms.

Stuffs a trip. The stuffs very light. (A half gram is pictured above).

No psycho active effect at all
No appetite increase (might even decrease appetite)
Very relaxing, but not so much you cant work.

Nick is actually willing to give me some more of this so people can try it in Vegas at the 420 meetup.

Im confident this is delta 10a.


I’d love to obtain a small sample of this to see how it runs in the lab. How could I obtain a few mgs?? Feel free to message me.