πŸ’ŽπŸ€€πŸ’Ž Delicious Exotic THCA Flower full Panel tested sampler pack

:drooling_face: Delicious Exotic Full-Panel Tested THCA Flower $420 Sampler Pack

We’ve had some interest expressed in our Flower, so this is a newer offering, people were interested in sampling before they buy more so we created the 420 pack for Future 4200 fam.
grab a 420 sampler pack would love to hear your feedback!

:rocket: All our flower is full-panel tested, with 3-Star, 4-Star, 5-Star, and 6-Star flower grown in organic living soil

:star2: Our THCA Flower Grading System

:star::star::star: 3-Star (Best Budget Option – Auto Flower Outdoor, Organic Living Soil)

:white_check_mark: Solid potency, slightly looser structure, mild flavor

:white_check_mark: Great for bulk buyers looking for the best deal

:white_check_mark: Currently only one strain available: Kiwi Kush

:star::star::star::star: 4-Star (Greenhouse Mixed-Light Premium Flower – Organic Living Soil)

:white_check_mark: Tight structure, vibrant terps, great flavor

:white_check_mark: Strong potency, great for premium bulk sales

:white_check_mark: Smalls available for those looking for quality at a lower price

:star::star::star::star::star: 5-Star (State-of-the-Art Indoor Climate Controlled – High-End Craft Quality)

:white_check_mark: Superior genetics, hand-trimmed, ultra-potent flower

:white_check_mark: Exceptional bag appeal, heavy trichome coverage, and loud terpene profiles

:white_check_mark: Smalls available for top-shelf quality at a lower cost

:star::star::star::star::star::star: 6-Star (Ultra-Premium Exotic – Organic Living Soil)

:white_check_mark: Next-level craft-grown genetics, perfect cure, insane terps

:white_check_mark: Ideal for high-end head stash, buyers & connoisseurs

:fire: The $420 Sample Pack – A True Connoisseur’s Selection

We’ve designed this pack to showcase the full range of quality we offer, giving buyers the chance to experience top-tier flower across different grades before committing to larger orders.

:package: What’s Inside:

:white_check_mark: 1 Quarter-Ounce (7g) of 6-Star Ultra-Premium Exotic Flower

:white_check_mark: 2 Quarter-Ounces (14g) of 5-Star State-of-the-Art Indoor Flower

:white_check_mark: 5 Quarter-Ounces (35g) of 4-Star Greenhouse Mixed-Light Premium Flower

:white_check_mark: 1 Quarter-Ounce (7g) of 3-Star Budget Kiwi Kush

:fire: Total Weight: 9 Quarter-Ounces (2.25 oz = 63g total)

:moneybag: Price: $420

:envelope_with_arrow: DM us for strain lists, COAs, and bulk inquiries.

Looking forward to connecting with the community! Let us know if you have any questions. :rocket: j.fried@octave-labs.com


Can I just buy a sample of the 6*? :joy:


Oz Pricing:

:white_check_mark: 3-Star (Kiwi Kush): $50

:white_check_mark: 4-Star: $80

:white_check_mark: 5-Star: $150

:white_check_mark: 6-Star: $200

:fire: Pound Pricing:

:white_check_mark: 3-Star: $250 per pound

:white_check_mark: 4-Star: $800 per pound

:white_check_mark: 5-Star: $1,250 per pound

:white_check_mark: 6-Star: $1,800 per pound

:white_check_mark: 4-Star Smalls: $600 per pound

:white_check_mark: 5-Star Smalls (Mediums): $900 per pound

:envelope_with_arrow: Looking for larger quantities? DM to discuss bulk pricing, strain availability, and custom orders.

:dash: Fast shipping


:loudspeaker: THCA Flower – Lows to High Grades Available :rocket:

:seedling: Full-panel tested, organic & premium THCA flower, grown in organic living soil & climate-controlled mixed light, indoor environments and outs!

:star::star::star:3-Star (Best Budget – Outdoor Auto Flower)

:white_check_mark: Great value, solid potency, mild nose.

:white_check_mark: Best for bulk buyers & extractors.

:moneybag: $50/oz | $250/lb

:star::star::star::star: 4-Star (Greenhouse Mixed-Light – Organic Living Soil)

:white_check_mark: Tight structure, nice terpenes, great nose.

:white_check_mark: Perfect for buyers who want strong potency at a fair price.

:moneybag: $80/oz | $800/lb | Smalls: $600/lb

:camera_flash: Smalls: $600/lb

BIGS $800/lb |

:star::star::star::star::star: 5-Star (Indoor – State-of-the-Art Climate-Controlled)

:white_check_mark: Superior genetics, hand-trimmed, ultra-potent.

:white_check_mark: Frosty, loud, and visually stunning.

:moneybag: $150/oz | $1,250/lb | Smalls (Mediums): $900/lb

:camera_flash: [smalls/mediums $900/lb]

BIGS $1,250/lb

:star::star::star::star::star::star: 6-Star (Ultra-Premium Exotic – Craft Indoor)

:white_check_mark: Next-level quality, insane terpenes, high potency.

:white_check_mark: Perfect for connoisseurs & top-shelf buyers.

:moneybag: $200/oz | $1,800/lb


:envelope_with_arrow: email j.fried@octave-labs.com for strain lists, COAs, bulk pricing & custom orders!

:fire: Fast shipping, priority fulfillment available.

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I also have a lot of trouble contacting your company. Several times I’ve tried to order things over the last few months and no response.

Just emailed again

I too am waiting for first contact.

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i will dm you now