Decimal Distillation Systems

Super impressed with the Decimal distillation systems

Will this be the game changer that takes the crown from the Germans?

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Nope cause distillation is from the past
New tech s distillation is useless


I might be wrong but I think those are big solvent stripping rollers not thc distillation systems


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I think distillation still has its place. It’s still a useful tool in the toolkit.

But, like so many tools in this industry, it’s not where most people use it.

Many people are using hammers to drive screws in it seems.

I do love me some big shiny stainless rigs tho, so if love more info on this kit.


I doubt it. Rollers work for cannabinoids too. I think each evaporator is about .9m² which falls in line with some other medium-large wipers.

Isomerizations I agree
For new extraction tech I disagree for liquid diamonds have a higher purity than distillate made from liquid diamonds

“Decimal [80.TF] dual station distillation platforms include (2) 0.81m2 stainless steel evaporator bodies (1.62m2 total), ASME, C1D1 Remote monitor/adjust/datalog control tablets”

Right, thats huge. And considering the c1d1 rating that might not be necessary for distilling crude makes me think that too. (I visited their shop while they were building this, this will show if im a bad listener lol :frowning: )

Alot of states cant use pentane much less DCM so your moethods are cool and scalable but not practical in all circumstances.

Can Do them with water as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Still will need an alcohol and a shit load of nacl but all reusable


Good thing they are ASME stamped vessels for Vacuum applications lol.

It’s for the jackets…

It’s for the jackets…

Then its still not needing a stamp.

If you have an atmospheric/vacuum tank but put a pressure jacket on it, the implication is that as long as my design pressure at the top of the vessel is less than 15psig, this tank will not fall under the scope of ASME Section VIII, Division 1 [U-1(c)(2)]. Therefore, it does not require the stamp. Now if you extend the jacket to the top of the inner vessel, than yes you will require a stamp.

Although you will need to adjust jacket shell thickness to support the jacket pressure, the vessel remains in low-pressure service so a stamp is not required. As with any pressure vessel, design conditions come from the top of the vessel.

I always give credit to the very few in this industry building things right, and its never a bad idea for any vessel to go through the ASME design & build process. But when ASME is not needed, its not needed.

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You might want to re-read that cut sheet…

dual stage distillation with touch screen control on BOTH stages?!?


Wow that thing is beefy.

That’s sexy. I want to do terrible things to it.


whats the price tag?