Decarb ideas?

So I’m basically a poor piece of shit, you guys got me loving organic chemistry, but I don’t have the equipment or knowledge y’all got. I’m studying more and more every day tho, getting better and better, much because of this community. Think I actually found a career path I enjoy, the shits so fun to learn ab and read.
I’m basically about to shove a couple of ozs of badder/shatter/budder in glass jars (which are vacuum sealed) into a crockpot, fill water up to where the wax sits, set it at 120f and let it sit 3-5 days. Somebody said put it in an oven, I just don’t wanna burn my house down LMFAO. I’m aware there a lot of pressure into play, and the glass jar can explode I just can’t find a sealing stainless steel jar. Thoughts? I got the time to wait if it’s gotta take longer. The end goal is to get a whole pressure vessel and use nothing but gasses, it seems like I’ll probably need a degree to get to that level of understanding tho, u mfs are legit wizards. Forreal got me inspired to pursue it tho.

Check that thread out it’s a good one :+1:

Couple issues I see with your proposed process,

First thing is the temp, I always decarb round abouts 110c or 230f I don’t think you’re going to accomplish much at 49c or 120f. Also the process only takes about 60-120 mins at those temps

Second is that the process of decarboxylation will not only change your thca or CBDa to thc and CBD, but it will also create carbon dioxide. If there’s no where for the co2 to escape you could be slowly building up a decent amount of pressure in those glass jars.

Read through that thread I posted and consider maybe just using an oven if you don’t wanna risk playing with pressure

If your concentrates are free of solvents idk why an oven or hot plate wouldn’t do the job :+1:


Why are you decarbing this?

Anyone using one of these for decarb?

I’m decarbing to mix with carts specifically. Gotta get the concy to an oil state, cause I’m Cutting distillate at a 30% ratio.

Hmmm, I’m not sure badder is so good to put in carts cause of the fats. The shatter will prob be your best bet.

I actually got most of these ideas from that article! The issue is; I usually lose a lot of terps when turning it up to 225f. The guy I copped from makes rosin/hash carts, and when I asked what to do to preserve the terps, and get a good decarb for flavor, he recommended to shove it at 120f for 3-5 days in an oven or waterbath. This kinda baffled me, cause somewhere on here I remember somebody was decarbing for days at a time at 120f in a vac oven(but he was backfilling with nitrogen and the jars were not vac sealed), but many articles say that to activate the whole spectrum and convert, you have to bring the temp up to a certain level to activate the CBD and other spectrum as well. “If you heat it too long/hot it’ll make you more sleepy, if you do it too quick and hot you’ll have degradation of flavor”. I’m not trying to say you’re wrong in any way I just have been given a lot of different info from a lot of different people. I can “burp” and unseal, reseal, to let the co2 out, wouldn’t that work? Or would everything (terps, flavor) that possibly evaporated escape? If that were the case somebody told me to freeze, after the mix goes to room temp, then remix when the terps condensate, I could do this until the process is fully finished. I’m just so confused man, and don’t wanna waste such hard work.

I just got a load of really quality shatter, so I’ll definitely be using that consistently. I had my best results with that, after all. It was just REALLY thick. If I may ask, just cause I’m kinda new to understanding what makes this process tick, what are the issues with the lipids/fats? Would it be bad for thickness, or consumption altogether? I’ve heard that decarbing solvent extracts isn’t too good, but am unsure why! My logic was: the badder is thinner than the shatter, and you can put a dab tool in it and play with it at room temp, which is much harder to with distillate, hence putting a natural “cut” in the mix to make it more viscous. the shatter was thickening the carts, I can thin the distillate, and mix EVERYTHING at lower temps to mix a longer time, rather than spinning like hell and extracting everything in 90-180 seconds after being exposed to 80C or higher. I’ve been told I haven’t been decarbing shatter right because “a lot of the volitile compounds are evaporating and escaping, cause they aren’t under vac, so heating under pressure will make it more liquidy and better to cut the viscosity down for mixing.”

Well, honestly fats are a natural antioxidant so for color it’s good to have it in there. I’m realizing I am heavily biased because I’ve only been dealing with distillate and then we were removing everything we could do that we could get the best color and purity. That in the end didn’t matter for shit. My 99.4% disty noone liked cause even cut with 5-7% terps it was just too strong and got people too high. The one most liked ended up being 25% cbc and 65% thc with other random cannabinoids in the mix.

Terps is the only thing I’ve used to thin distillate out with.

Fats in the mix just make it look cloudy, which was frowned upon in a cart. I think the game has changed and i most certainly haven’t keep up with it.

When it comes to decarbing solvent extracts, that’s all I’ve ever done and we specifically do that to remove all the solvent. So who over told you that must have had an odd reason to say so. I used a hotplate and a pot with an over head stirrer and got it all the way up to 130c until all bubbles stopped. If i wanted to degas i went up to 150c.

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From Tricks of the Trade…

Here’s one. We generally (always) decarb in a stainless steel pot on a hot plate with overhead stirring. When I decarb and I want to keep my terps from evaporating I use a glass lid with the center knob removed, invert it and put the stirrer through the center hole. The terps noticeably drip back into the pot! Also, most of these same lids have a thermometer hole so I slide my digital thermometer down the hole, run a rubber band from the pot handle around the thermometer shaft to keep it off the bottom and away from the stir shaft

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I’ve never gotten away with 5% terps with my distillate. With iKrusher carts if I go over 2% with botanicals it’s just too harsh. Getting QBD420s fully glass carts and AVD carts to just upgrade working materials and hopefully flavor. I mix 2% CDT and 2% bdt with our straight up distillate carts to give a smoother rip, but even last time ppl said it was too harsh so I’m gonna guess 1% botanicals is just the way to go. To medical standards a 3% mixture is even too much, isn’t the limit like 2% I remember reading that somewhere. About to implement fatdog hemp terps in there, just gotta watch for the companies that already used hemp terps.
We’ve never had a couldy appearance even with boof ass botanical crumble, appeal doesn’t matter to my consumers anyways, if it kicks like a horse, everybody loves it. My goal is to have carts that get people the highest they can possibly get, every single day consistently.

I did this a long time ago. At first it was 7%, then it went down to 5% as the max. I see it got lower. The thing is my distillate was so thick due to high 90ies purity that i needed atleast 5% for the viscosity to allow for the distillate to even vaporize ok. Anything less than that and it wouldn’t move in the cart.

What sort of pot? Like just a normal cooking pot on a hot plate with the lid closed? Flip the glass to where it’s caving inverted towards the mixture itself, then remove the center piece and put a overhead homogenizer above? I honestly don’t have a homogenizer, it is most definitely on the checklist I just can’t find any CAT scientific vendors.

I KNEW THAT HAD TO DO SOMETHING WITH THE TERP RATIO!!! Mine clocked in at 94% D9 THC last time I sent to a lab. That makes more sense to why I’m having so many issues with viscosity. I lowkey am just shooting for strain specific effects. I notice with botanicals and cdt they both do what they say they’re gonna do, but not how when you mix actual concentrates in does. It’s on some dispo grade type beat. After the first time I tried it, I got hooked. The issue may be just with the carts, but hopefully that works out by upgrading materials like I did.

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Like this…no homogenizer just an overhead stirrer.

BTW that’s a griddle for a hot plate.


Hahaha, that’s the same stirrer i used. Pot and hotplate for the win.

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Cheap and effective!

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Hear hear. I sold mine. So i know it’s still in the game.

Yeah, what size holes are on your cart? I needed the 2mm holes, otherwise there were just a bunch of issues.