@david glassware and adapters sales section

Laminar is describing the direction and nature of the flow. Like in an laminar flood hood, air moves vertically up without much bouncing around.
Laminar: (of a flow) taking place along constant streamlines; not turbulent.

Elliot’s use of laminar doesnt really make sense, it should just be “wide bore” or something similar. The vapor isnt moving in a straight line, its bouncing all over and spiralling.(using that term greatly misinforms what the technology is about.)


So sue David. Oh wait you can’t. So cry about it instead on the forum? Man get over it. China knocks literally everything off. Thank God this thread got reopened. This forum gets to be more and more drama with every post I see from you. People want to learn. That’s what this forum is. You have a problem with David. Try to figure out a way to legally do something about it but don’t come on here whining.


I usually always price match or beat the price. Our website has a inflated “free shipping” and administrative costs. We are always happy to get the sale price in a invoice your way any time. Just send me a quote you have on a similar or identical product and we can begin working with you on your needs.

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I thought I saw a summit diamond miner blow up on somebody on ig if I remember correctly.



are you able to make double coil condensers for rotovaps? I need one with a 45/40 bottom joint


@ExTek90 with the rofl :rofl: :joy::rofl: post!!


@Waxplug1 reminded me it was on here.


Was that 500 for glass or mantle included?


thermowell thermowell

Can you make me a thermowell like this but 14/20?
How should I contact you?

$500 is better then I got mine for from him with no mantle

I have them in stock.

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Can i get a shorty fracrion collector for the price david is offering. Figured it couldnt hirt to ask. I personally agree with you about Chinese glass. Yours and roccos is all i have and have never had a problem. I really want a #45 nano or shorty just cant afford it rigjt now. Wither way keep up the great work and innovation


Send me a message via Instagram Monday morning and I’ll dog through and see what I can do.

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Will do. Thanks much appreciated

I believe this is the one @david
Anyone know the angle of the base spd head from the kit below

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Why dont you just call them @Demontrich. You shout them out enough. the least they can do is give you the angle of their spd head. Id imagine a 1 min call would answer your question better than any member.


Is this you @david?

It’s probably him

This is his store on eBay.

Haven’t seen him posting here lately. I hope he comes back soon cause dude is a great asset to a place like this.



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