Dabtabs? Anybody use em?

They suck just another way for the newbies to try and make a buck lets put more b.s in our bangers ya?

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To eat or not to eat…


Where do u get the empty shells though :thinking::slightly_smiling_face:

I bet you could talk to a quality cart manufacturer and buy the ceramic heating elements without the electrodes.

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Glorified mini healthstones for dropping in bangers.


The “Ceramic coils, danger and options” thread has been one of my 2019 favorites. My question is are the Dabtabs made of raw materials such as silica powders and pore-forming materials like starch or other organic polymers? @Decarboxylation do you know?

The ceramic coil is made from inorganic porous ceramic material. There are tiny pores inside the ceramic material that cannot be seen. Pores play an important role in wicking. In order to produce a porous ceramic material, raw materials such as silica powders and pore-forming materials like starch or other organic polymers are needed. Then they are mixed and put into a mold with high pressure. Samples are obtained with a fixed shape. The samples are put into a furnace and set to a high temperature. Pores are formed while the pore-forming agent combusts and escapes. This kind of pore plays an important role by introducing e-liquid into your vape. However, to make enough pores, the temperature to stick the materials together is lower which causes low tensile and compressive strength. The powders fall off or crack when the ceramic coil is touched or shaken. All the powders can be introduced into the lung by air which is dangerous (the speed of air can reach 223mph when we are vaping).


I had the exact same thought.

@edwardchow this is another product you can get on with all those quartz fritz you have laying around. American businesses would like to buy them for a nice price (no coil necessary just quartz) so they can fill with pre dosed oil.

This could then be individually wrapped in an fep packet.


Thats a good question, actually QCELL are widely use in our product line
Wax vaporizer: Headbanger, Airis8, Quaser, Qtip
Oil vaporizer: Nico
Wax&oil 2-in-1: Tripod
For more information, pls check our official website: www.airistech.com

no, just a porus quartz stone like this


no we don’t made it bro, just focus on carts and vaporizer

Seems like the hexagon shape is widely used by every company stating higher performance. The bottom of my Nikes, The pad on a brand named Band-Aid, a specific brand of condoms i onced used and forget the name of and now I see that dabtabs are hexagonal in shape.

I wonder if that’s just a marketing technique


I can see old people loving these.

STOP… and smoke me… i think that is what its saying. lol


Well your missing a possibly huge market. If you got these I would for sure buy them


I would try them if they came up here to Alaska, but unless the price was reasonable I doubt they would be a regular thing for me, I don’t mind stickiness nor irregularity of my dabs.

Might be a good solution to how many borosilicate and glass jars we have to sell and how many we accumulate as dabbers if you can sell these without glass, these DIY solutions seem like they would work fine once dialed in as well, at least for personal scale.

Well brother, we have to focus on certain thing to become the master, will definitely contact you once we made those



I just wanted to remind you guys how awesome florida is.


Have you tried these?