D8 Lab Results inconsistent

There’s room for everyone in this game and finished end products always need distributors.

I have definitely taken the slowest roll on this market but d8 carts to Texas with coas of the finished products looking good. I’ll also take quotes for that too

I’ll gladly take a cbdokie sample and have inquired because so many have validated his products previously. I’ll take this as it is: to be continued.

I’ll also rip your pen with the hard to follow coa


So did anyone ask these labs if they have reference d8 and d9 for the testing? Or are they shooting from the hip?


The lesson in this may end up being: labs aren’t ready for d8 because the market isn’t either.


I did not send a sample off to a lab when i bought D8 off CBDOKE, mostly because he’s a LVL3, but the product was outstanding… I was shocked to see this allegedly transpire.


Blast us all you want man. You can contact the lab to confirm the results. I have multiple ISO labs putting their heads together and sharing data.


-.3% d9 is much more rare in my observation. So I can understand a hesitant view.

the bigger issue is the D9 – and labs should be able to distinguish between .3 and 4%, but yea Labs sux. @CBDOKIE I’ll give you a robust apology if other reliable labs confirm D9 below .3%.

That said, @ProEndo and anyone else selling red/pink D8 is selling dogshit d8. Nobody should consume/sell any red/pink D8; its proof it hasn’t had proper cleanup - and importantly - proof the guy selling you pink D8 doesn’t know WTF they’re doing. Looking right at you @ProEndo

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I’ve been seeing purple and pinks. Rose colors. Red? Maybe after oxidized.

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Yes this lab regularly test for d8. Again my bad for jumping the gun. Im waiting on a call back to adjust the coa and just sent out another sample of just the oil and gladly will correct any wrong on my part.

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Don’t you think you should have taken notice to the 13% cannabinoids before putting this dude on blast for 3% D9?

Not saying if it tests hot not to bring it up. If he lied about it being compliant, by all means. But don’t jump the gun when there’s an obvious lab error. Clearly 13% cannabinoids should call for a retest before causing a stir. I would bring it to a whole different lab altogether after that. How did they get 13% cannabinoids on a distillate and not go “huh, maybe we should run that again”


Yes 100% absolutely and I just apologized to him about it…


Keep it coming steve. I use you comments like fire wood. What is it that you do here ? It seems like you just try to make fun of people and talk shit all the time. Perma troll for sure. Life must be tough being so shitty all the time.


Pointing out you sell dogshit, dangerous, D8 that’s not had proper cleanup. And in doing that you’re proving you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing and you’re hurting everyone in the the biz because you made the decision you’d sell dogshit to make money b4 you knew how to make d8 properly…

Zat clear things up for you?


Man I want to know what’s in there 100 percent as well. What’s been unbelievably eye opening is the lack of consistency between labs and the fact that most are “guessing” at the peaks with no standards or accreditation. That’s why we went to the ISO labs in the first place and now anyone with an HPLC is an expert. I will tell you first hand I’m not an expert on testing but I pay through the nose to folks who are supposed to know and here we are. I will get to the bottom of it and this community will know exactly what we find out. Again thanks to the haters. Y’all been driving me my whole life and this is good fuel for the fire.



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@anon32743824 is as solid as they come. He’s frustrated just like all of us and I repeat we will get to the bottom of it.


What a sad response. How dare you shame thc vendors.


is this sarcasm? Poes law is pretty strong here. People selling chemical soup that has thc in it are people that should be shamed

@CBDOKIE from reading your posts for a long time, I think you’re 100% a standup guy who will do whatever it takes to make things right. I wish you the best and am confident you’ll figure this out and if there’s error on your side – I’m confident you’ll fix it. Also 100% agree lab results are a huge problem.


I think of it the other way. People that have concentrates wirh cbd should be shamed. :joy::rofl::joy: