D8/D9 Distillate Mix Current Market Price Inquiry

I’m pretty excited about the possibility of CBDV being turned into THCV and D8-THCV after the hemp harvest this fall.

I’m wondering how many hemp farmers ended up growing these genetics this season.


Landed on this thread because i just bought some sht that apparently is d8 when I’ve been selling d9 carts for years now. Changed supplier and complaints started arriving from my customers. Can’t test where I’m at. Have couple Ls now sitting there, bout 10.000 empty carts on the way, and no trustworthy supplier. Fuckng game

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what were the complaints? and what’s your question? lots of labs you can send samples to?

Absolutely no lab I can sent tests to. Not in the US. complains basically is that it doesn’t get them high. Personally I feel it barely gets me high, and don’t get that lung expanding feeling like the previous oil. I can take huge rips with this one and before I couldn’t without blowing up coughing. I know this might mean it’s more pure, but still.

hmmm sounds like you got some janky something, maybe not d8 as you’d get high from that, also I think alot of guys on here make d8/9 that wouldn’t make you cough up a lung.


Cat 3 - 3.8
D9- 2.5-3

Cat 3 for 3800?