D8 D10 and 99.9% CBN Kilos. Wondering what going rates are currently and if there’s an interest in any of those? Thoughts ?

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Show me where it says that. Genuinely curious. I’ve talked to my state officials and they were clueless about it


Go to the bottom of the page and download the alphabetical listing of controlled substances. It’s on page 16 of that list.

Agreed about state agency folks though. Even here in Colorado in the licensed cannabis industry. The MED doesn’t recognize D8 as a part of total THC even though the labs test for it.


Very very interesting. Even cbd concerted D8? I’ll have to get legal council guidance. Thank you for this

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fire ur legal team


This has been many lawyers over many legal teams.

Of all canabinoids Mentiond CBN
Is the only one that i expect to still have a very bright future
It sleep inducing property s are proven and finetuned as we speak
And once known by the public
Of wich many have insomnia like ailments this is a cannabinoid that does what is proclaimed on almost all that have tested it
Indeed i also expect it s valeu to drop sharp since the cbd isolate to cbn has been perfectiond but the market for it is huge


Elaborate on the cbd isolate to cbn has been perfected? As in the conversion? Has it been perfected to a 1:1 conversion with no loss and 99% finally potency yet ?

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@richpel and @anon93688
Both each on his own have reached 80% conversions for sure
Both are perfecting their reactions and
Both have found diffrent paths than the iodine route
Processes that take hours to be complete for cristelization
So go figure the valeu once these sop s are for sale and cbd isollate get s cheaper

For sure. Just checking to see how far the masses are behind our methods. Appreciate the insight

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Perhaps one of them should actually talk with the DEA. Some of us have worked in the federal government and have no issues with picking up the phone and talking with an old connection. It helps to know how they think at the working level.


If someone has that access we will happily pay you to make that phone call!


I’m very interested in seeing the real market for novel cannabinoids. Most are relatively untested in humans and even adventurous users of substances are generally weary of novel compounds.

Everyone here would try these things atleast once but will any of them provide effects consumers will be reaching for over regular cannabis.

How will these products be accepted by the general public with little knowledge of these minor cannabinoids. Will there really be a strong demand?

Personally CBG has done absolutely nothing, THC acetate is not really that different then regular d9, d8 is just a weaker d9 with all the same effects, CBN didn’t seem to do anything.


CBG is a massively more effective anti inflammatory then CBD. CBN is an amazing sedative. We will be running expensive trials and bioavalibilty testing to back up our products and reasoning for selling them


Well I can tell you at the moment they have the majority of their resources focused on the opioid crisis and meth. They aren’t putting much effort towards weed and even less so towards hemp infractions now that the farm bill is in effect. However, they won’t ignore easy scores with businesses who aren’t cartel affiliates but are breaking the law in plain site. All it takes is a competitor or disgruntled employee to rat you out. They love CIs (confidential informants) they don’t have to spend a lot if time cultivating.


But it’s expensive. THCA and CBDA provide a better NSAID effect then CBG from my experience and are much cheaper.


THCV Is an incredible appetite suppressant. The list goes on. But more importantly I have 30+ formulas of recombining these cannabanoids In perfect ratios that solve specific ailments. Not just using them by themselves


Cbn didn t seem to do anything
Try this
2thc :20cbn:6cbd at 100 mg of cbn
See if you press snooze in the morning :grin:


Exactly. It’s all about the ratio’d combinations


Yeah their sinergey is key🤛


I tried ~100mg with 200mg THC, no CBD Didn’t notice anything noticeably different. I work with @anon93688 and others who are exploring it btw. Just my personal anecdote, have quite a bit of cannabis tolerance but would’ve noticed.