D8 cart and disposable wholesale pricing?

What are wholesale prices in the midwest on fully packaged and labeled delta 8 cartridges? eg. What are stores paying now days for say 1g finished ?

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Various amounts in iou’s, in real usd terms $0.00


We currently live in the Louisville metro area. I see vape/smoke shops selling carts for $30ish bucks and ppl are evidently buying them. I just wondered what the store margin is these days.

I get what your saying, so I guess whats the agreed amount before you never get paid?

There’s a lot of factors that go into this. Can you give us details about the exact product you are looking to price including materials packaging etc?

As always quantity and quality makes a huge difference in price.

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That price seems inflated. Probably best to figure out how much would be moving and see what would be reasonable throughput.

Probably a good idea to decide HOW MUCH it will COST you do produce a thing and what a reasonable MARGIN for your business would be - and then see if people are interested in your pricing.

And what @WakeNBakery said is so right… package? flavor? battery? good documentation?

And are you trying to do this in Louisiana? Even after they changed the law late last year and made it more complicated with product registration and all that jazz? Or maybe you live there and you are going to other states?

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To stores, 3x your production price, to distros, 2x, and to people that cash you out on a months worth of cart production at a time 1.5x.


More complicated? They flat out said “fuck no!”

Or am I misreading that?

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$3 to $5 per 1ml d8

You are not misreading that. :wink: Although they did change some things, just not for inhalants, yet. Topicals are allowed now. Seems to me like getting through those rules would be pretty complicated - you’d have to ask for special approval and receive it (which why would they do that?) or have the emergency rule changed (easier but still complicated) or sue the government to remove the rule (and then replace it with another rule…) or move the legislature to change the statutes that allow for the emergency rule (which they have opted not to do…)

Or participate in the medical program through a university. Which seems very complicated. -shrug-

Doesn’t seem worth it to me. Which is what I was trying to convey. Like the amount of information still needed was A LOT. But what was being asked was - how much can I sell this for… well nothing legally, but have at it, seemed like not the right path to point towards. :smiley:

Thanks man…thats what i was looking for!

For 1g disposables with packaging and material depending on which hardware we use were paying a little under $2.00 I believe (oil, hardware, labeled box) out the door. I would have to ask my business partner to give you exacts but I believe were using ispire hw.

Were organized in a legal state. The markets we are looking at are IN. And KY.

I don’t. Disposables filled and packaged for $2 would make you Smoore/ecap… I think you mean carts


Even for carts that’s pretty low. Ive seen those that use top quality live CDTs and get about $8 per but no distribution just other stores buying them, it’s not really scalable.

But yeah probably $2 for boof sounds right

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If i were to be pursuaded to fill this order at 2/unit my minimum order requirment to a buyer would be at 100,000 units paid in full per week. Which considering the margins for a producer filler standpoint is still a nonstarter . Meanwhile the margins on the rerail side are fueling this imbalance and recipe for disfunction. If it was a higher quality product that was requested and margins were equalized a lower minimum purchase order could be possible.


Thanks for the insight and after speaking with my biz partner (who handles the vapes) everyone was correct, the $2 was for 510’s not disposables…it has me curious now as to what the actual margins on the retail side are… I had an owner at a local vape shop tell me that he was paying $7 for 2g disposables from his supplier. I laughed.

if they’re sold for $30, they probably got them for $10-15…
idk who the hell would pay $30 for a D8 cart, but if you say they’re selling them for that, I’d imagine they get them for about half that


That’s what I was figuring between $10 and $15. This guy had his 1g disposables marked $37 and his 2g disposables marked $47. Guess we need to get into the vape shop business at those margins.