Custom Ethanol Extraction system input

that depends on how much cannabis you want to extract.
you can look to the brewery industry for jacketed tanks in a variety of sizes.

they are less expensive than the reactors you linked to. and come in larger sizes.

Make sure you ask about jacket pressures and vessel pressure/vac limits. I had to reconfigure my system when I learned at ship time that the 100gal jacketed receiver I had spec’d wasn’t up to the pressure generated by my chiller.

Vac allows you to distil at lower temps.

two of these would get you started.
As would two beer kegs.

yes, an air powered agitator is the correct solution. the beverage distillation industry can help you out here.

can’t tell you which ports do what till you’ve got it in your hands. more ports is usually a good thing.

air powered.

bags aren’t necessary, and at some scales are going to get in your way (see press link below).

domestic washer will probably not fly evan for final solvent removal in a regulated shop. or at least I wouldn’t try and get it by the firemarshal. adding it in after inspection might work…

is you want a spinny-go-round, get a delta sep unit.
or go with a press Industrial Filtration Equipment Q&A

Are you looking for THCA? If not Rotovaps are not the least expensive route.
Get/build yourself an appropriately sized still.

if you get two identical reactors you can use one to soak your cannabis, and the other to distil it. If you get three, you can chill your solvent in it. so pay $2k, not $10k.

Happy to do a private consult.