Heyhey! I created a clone tray spacer to make the transition to dome removal simpler and less time consuming. With spacers installed you spend less time wiping excess moisture out of the domes, give the clones more time to acclimate to your veg room’s environment and lose less plants to excessive moisture. Here’s links to my Instagram posts that have more details. Let me know what you think! Thank you. Theo
Looks nice. Work with any brand tray? We use the thick super sprouters for example and they have a pretty thick lip on them. Also how much for a 4 pack? 100 pack?
Have people needed to adapt their propagation style to use these? With clones, we seal up domes using rockwool and forget about them for a couple weeks until roots are shooting everywhere.
Thanks for your interest! I designed around Mondi trays, but in testing they fit all the brands at the hydro shop. I’ll pick up a Super Sprouter tray and take pics to confirm fit. HydroZen has them at $15.99 for four. I can ship you 100 for $300 including shipping, no tax if you have a resellers permit.
The only adaptation I’ve seen is that the clone trays need less attention because they’re not soaking wet inside even though the vents are fully open. That means less time spent wiping excess moisture off the inside of the domes. In my experience I would lose some clones to stem rot if I wasn’t diligently airing the clone tray out every day during the transition to dome off, even with the vents fully open. I used to put rockwool cubes or pencils under the corners to get more air in. Now I just put the spacers in around day 4-5 and crack top vents. Then I just increase vent opening more every day until they’re fully open and ready for dome off. Way less shock.