Cultivation pay scale

Yo, first time poster… I’m getting ready to go into our first season working as a “legal cultivator”, wanted to see if anyone had any projections of pay scale or things to negotiate for. I’m coming from the black market where we would get 20% of the final flower yield and 20% of the trim. What is to be expected as a “legal cultivation” slave? :joy:

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12.5-18 an hour dependant on experience/greed. If you are a head grower u get a salary and no life cause they be callin them all hours


Cultivation wages are often some of the lowest in many companies. The reality is that many “grower” positions in the legal market are mostly just duties like watering and transplanting clones. $12-18/hr seems fairly accurate, pay scales similar to any other labor job. “Master growers” do tend to make more but ad qma said that’s generally a salary no life type of job.

Best advice regardless of what type of job you take in the legal market, leave all your expectations from the black market at the door. One of the biggest differences between BM and legal is taxes and overhead, which in turn generally means lower pay, but also gives you the ability to pay income tax and not go to jail and or have your money liquidated. Weigh the odds and decide which world you want to work in


The other silver lining to a laborers job in the US anyway is SSDI. SSDI is insurance that is mandatory only for workers and is taken out by Social Security. It is seen as just part of the taxes.

However if you have the unhappy luck of becoming disabled as I did then SSDI starts to pay as if you were on Social Security. Hope is all most self employed or black market workers have to live on really if you don’t have SSDI though some safety nets exist… not so sweet. This SSDI is no small thing you earn if you work but then become unable.:nerd_face: