Cultivation contract cbg biomass

Hello to all, we are searching partners for the cultivation of 250.000 cbg plants from seeds till harvested dried material.
Please contact me if interested. We are EU based company with multiple partner in USA.


Hello. We are a grow in US. Grew 25,000 CBG plants in 2024. Interested in connecting. Currently have material.

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Hello, please can you send me a mail with number, Whatsapp will be easier communication to this mail:

We have experience with growing up to 1 million seeds with plant by plant method. Years of experience and well built infrastructure. Contact us.

Welcome to the future @HempCro and @BlackBarn!

Hello I am looking for a supplier of CBD pollen in the south of Spain

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Close. Except you more likely want kief…but this is someone else’s “want to buy” thread.

Start your own.

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