Crystallized after just a few hrs??

Click his icon and then message. Direct Message.

(don’t worry, I did too lol)

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Lol, now hes laughing. Wait till he wants some yummies, I’ll be laughing.

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Same only shatter for me in those days

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I stayed w shatter for moment back then, right into live resin then couple years later diamonds. W my old closed column. And dry ice no jacket

Alot of people around here dont like looking for the info thats here. So the running joke is we are spoon feeding noobs. Just a joke


I was doing shatter until 6 mos ago lol

Then diamonds. Never used a dewax for diamonds. Jist an injection coil

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there is also the concept of “spoon return”…learn & pay it forward.

@StoneD is certainly a rockstar when it comes to that part!


Bingo :green_heart::facepunch:

You take, you give back!
Giving it “back” is the problem some seem to forget

I took so much from this place I feel obligated :joy:

I think we all know we u wanna pay to play though there is proper spoons for that too


Yup agreed.

Another quick question, how much material did you run, and how many cans did you use?

Close to 2lb of BUD and 7 cans
I think my tube holds 2oz
Think I could break down the blasted buds and run again? Never did but heard about it. Is it worth it?

7 cans total? Or 7 cans per 2oz tube?

If 7 cans total, you have a lot left in those buds. 7 cans per tube you definitely got it all.

7 big whipit cans is about 3.71# of butane, and if you have 2# of material, you’d want to use about 10# of solvent during your extraction.

Usually you try to shoot for a 5:1 ratio of solvent to material.

2# of material = 906g

906*5= 4530g of solvent.

Each 420ml can of whipit is going to be around 230g


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Man and all this time I’ve been tossing that blasted bud away. F me. Lol well now I know. Lol

And I used 1 can per tube of 2 oz.

And by 5:1 is that 5 cans per tube? I dont get it! Seems like a lot. I was told to look for the tane to run clear then tour done, no?

You using the big 420ml whipit cans? They might be ok for a 2oz tube, a lil under the ratio, but not worth running again. Next time use a can and a half per tube I’d say. Ratios I’m talking about is weight to weight, so for 56g of bud you’d wanna use about 280g of butane give or take.

Also, I always just stuck my finger under the butane stream coming out of the tube to see when it was done. Just stick it under there really quick, doesn’t hurt, and if your finger isn’t sticky and feels clean you got it all, if you can feel some stickiness, keep going.

For a 1# run usually you use a whole one of these:

This holds about 6# of solvent or around 12 whipit cans if they’re the big ones


Also, of you’re gonna run that much, don’t open blast anymore lol


Makes sense, man Curious, I really appreciate the help. Thanks a million bub.

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Of course brother!

If you have any more questions, keep em coming. You can always dm me as well!

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