Hello. I’ve been trying to look for vendors through search but cannot find anyone or anything specific. If anyone has crystal resistant CBD distillate for sale and possibly CBC I’d be interested in talking. Wanting to get a hemp business started here soon.
We have a “want to buy” category in the classifieds section. Moved your post for you there
Thank you my bad.
Looking for CBC distillate, and possibly CBG distillate to use as a dilutent for CBC and CBD.
I have CBD dist and isolate sourced just need those 2.
I remember someone saying here to use some as a dilutent, which my plan is a 4 cannabinoid mixture in 1 so CBD, CBG, CBC, and CBN distillate all in one, which I have ratio’s figured out to try.
I worded it poorly is all
CBG is not a great diluent for eliminating CBD crystallization. In my hands, CBG as diluent slows CBD crystallization a bit, but it does not prevent it.
Well I am using under 50% CBD dist, what % does CBG tend to crash at?
My ratios for all 4 would be under 23.75% per cannabinoid and 5% terpenes
Im thinking they won’t crash with added CBC, CBN and terpenes and the CBG maybe won’t either at that ratio if it does lower it and raise CBN/CBC
What will your %CBD+%CBG total to? When that total gets too high, the CBD will crystallize.
46%-47% total CBD and CBG
50% i hear is when CBD starts to crash
Idk about the 2 mixed together
I have had good success (ie, no crystallization in carts at 6 months) when I keep my %CBD in the low 40s and my %CBG between 2-5%. When I push passed these numbers, it always seems to crystallize… it is just a question of time.
My best guess is that CBG is somehow promoting CBD crystallization… and/or perhaps they are co-crystallizing.
Lighter oils, like terpenes, HTE, and CBC, are your friend.
Thanks. May experiment with a 10% CBG ratio, or try the one I had planned just to see what happens.
Will update. Just need to find CBG distillate, CBC and CBN
Hit up Zero Point Extracts. They’ll get you squared away.