Crypto illegal in China

making it a great day by just listening to a bit of chillhop ~

:octopus: Whoosh!!!

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kind of hard to manipulate currency when there is a concurrent one you have no control over. nobody should be surprised by this. just buy the dip if you know the floors. what is suprising is how many americans want to imitate china solely because they think it will make their gaming GPUs $100 cheaper. if they had just bought in at any point during the last 10 years they’d be able to afford all the hardware they like.


my brother trades crypto= not buying dips. Just taking his share on every trade. He has zero invested but his company has an ipo when they get on the stock market ina couple months ill let you know when.


My take is: crypto sucks


my response is: A hamster has been trading cryptocurrencies in a cage rigged to automatically buy and sell tokens since June - and it's currently outperforming the S&P 500

people were saying it was stupid when it was $1 for 1 BTC. if they had spent 5 bucks then…


It’s no different than when I was duplicating digital video game money and selling it cheaper than the company making it (blizzard)

All you’re enabling is slave labor for digital farms.

There are literally people working for rice wages farming video games characters. Digital items. No different than these cryptocurrencies in value.

Cryptocurrency is nothing new. It’s not a game changer.


i prefer real shit butcher baker candlestick maker= i used to even start froma seed how legit is that??? now im using cloner but at least im real. i would prefer gold standard.

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Let’s abuse power and trade electricity for our new monetary system. Brilliant! says the power companies.


yeah you are one of those irrational hate types. I just don’t get it. I don’t see any of you ‘electricity is evil!’ types going to live with the amish. do you blame the coal energy if you find a rock in your driveway? easy to turn back to your own analogy, how many people you think spend most of their free time playing video games? how much electricity are they wasting? why aren’t you upset and finding conspiracies in that? at least crypto people are making money and contributing to the financial sector…

One Xbox or Playstation 5 is hardly a room built for mining that could heat your entire home. I get it, you don’t like the holes in the topic I pointed out.

It’s all got someone at the top still.

Then go off on a save the world tanget because you recognize how much energy is being wasted for a currency.

It’s easily manipulated and consistently manipulated. Hence the FUD claims about me even posting the news lol


OOPS i thumped again?

it’s obvious you know very little. I honestly think you are hating because you think you missed out. like right now you are telling me there is one xbox in the world but how many miners? lol straw man. much more energy spent on pointless videogame consoles than mining farms. mining blocks is kind of the backbone for transactions on the blockchain network (for most tokens, not all I know) yet they are limited in how many they can process. Banks can process millions of transactions per second. How much energy do you think they use with all their equipment to do that?

in short: you’ve lapped up the propaganda. energy consumption is only for billion dollar companies. if you use energy to enrich yourself personally, you are evil. but go ahead and use all the energy you want consuming products from those companies. Is that really what you believe? because that’s what you are saying.

Do you have the data to back your claim?

I’d really like to see the energy usage vs video gaming.

Where can I find that?

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I liked your first troll because it was cute. idk what you are doing now

Bank transactions taking less energy only supports my claims. Also…

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oh here we go the old do all the research for me and present in a way that I like or else I’ll stick my head in the sand even though I have google just like you do. all good homey. believe whatever you want.

meanwhile I made 25% return in one night buying the last dip. womp. no energy required.

what i saw- its all the late night trading to make money on shit like this. It did a big dip late night and then recovered and was a huge opportunity to get rich or lose. its a gamble but you wanna trade late before the market reacts

Here we go again with opinions shared as fact and when asked for data to back opinions shared as fact you retort you can’t. But thanks. I appreciate the opinions!

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ok so share your data for your opinions then. show me that there is one xbox in the world that uses no energy vs so mannnnyy mining ops that just use it all! show me the banks processing millions of transactions per second happens via magic with no energy use. you are the baseless opinion guy here. not me. wouldn’t be a huge ask to spend 5 min on google. you don’t care enough though. stick your head in the sand it’s OK. more money for us.

You’re so triggered I can’t even follow you trying to rewrite my own words.