CRC'd Distillate and Oxidation - Prevention?

Hey All,

So as many of you know when you use certain CRC material it can change the PH of the distillate and cause oxidation to occur in weird colors (like purple/pink).

Are there any solutions for this? The issue is that it happens in the cartridge so you have customers wondering why there is a purple layer on their cartridge, and I’d prefer not to have to explain it to my customers.

Thanks in advance!


Display your product needing remediation.


Oxidation and distillation is common place. Old school shit. So please display concerns. Plenty of solutions and remedies for all. Just stop wasting your time.

Get the ph back to it’s starting point via LLE cleanup

vac packs of carts with argon backfill.


That’s the real shit right there. Cant oxidize if there’s no oxygen.


Use a neutral media or put something basic on the bottom of your stack to rebalance pH.


I wish there was a way to prevent it in the cart though. No oxygen will help the bulk to not oxide but when you rip a cart the bubbles that come up through the cart can cause some crazy colors if you rely solely on lack of oxygen on the bulk. Preferably both are argon backfill and pH on point.


How do you work out the math on that(inline pH)? Mix powders in water til they hit neutral?


Why do you need media to make crude you are distilling?

Do you hate yields?

Never had an issue running non chilled butane crude with proper dewax which is just room temp 35 u and -86 20/8u