CRC Sintered Filter welcome dm

We are sorry to delay shipment and during Holiday (7days) Now all get back and normal work

Currently :
6”5um 60pc
4”5um 50pc
3”5um 20pc

Without Dealy stock

2”1um 2pc
3”1um 1pc

4”1um 20pc
6”1um 4pc

So did you ship killa’s stock or not? It seems like you’re wasting your time trying to push these here, no ones buying anything from you directly unless they’re not that smart. My recommendation is to make sure you get his order to him asap, mend your relationship with someone who is a trusted supplier here.

You’re not a trusted source here, you’ve kinda ruined you’re reputation if you ask me.


Sorry CEMA, we would rather order from Killa


You are trying to blame the delay on the 7 day holiday that just finished yesterday? What about the month before this? I am glad that none of the vendors I use in China tried to use the Holiday as an excuse to not send products out. My suppliers actually made sure I was aware of the Holliday to make sure things shipped before hand. The best you can do is stop digging @cemainstrument.


@CEMAINSTRUMENT it took over 2 months for you to ship mine after i was informedit would ship in 7 to 14 days. And only after i told you i wanted my money back i mo longer trust your product. After no response i contacted paypals about it. Then my piece is magically shipped out after being given the runaround for 2 months or more. Lol your business practices are a joke. You are a shisty af. By the way i will not change my paypals complaint like you asked me to via email. You could have had a good thing if you would have been honest and forfilled you many promises to many ppl. You didnt even offer to make things rite with the very extended delays


@CEMAINSTRUMENT, please stop posting spam. You have taken people’s money and not fulfilled orders.

I’m flagging this post, this is a scam at this point.


It’s not a scam, it’s China.


Lol, i get that its china. But his business practices are a joke. @CEMAINSTRUMENT cant be trusted to deliver when he says he is going to. And when asked you will get told next week or a few day. That will go on for a couple months

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He just thinks he is going to be slick with a can of grease. We all know how that will go for him.

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At least killa will have a ton of stock to work through while he finds a new supplier

It’s kinda bad taste to use people real names on the forum


Guess he didn’t understand the “stop digging” comment.

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What the hell are you doing? We get that it takes time to make them, that’s not the issue here. The issue here is you took someones order when you didn’t even have the items in stock. Then most likely used the money you received to actually pay your suppliers.

Plain and simple, we don’t want to buy from you cause you’re dishonest and shiesty.


am I only the one one that gets the feel that he used @Killa12345 money to make this entire order? The main reason it took so long

I’m sorry I’m dick I know for pointing out the obvious


That’s exactly what I was saying. Definitely didn’t have enough cash for the order until killa sent him the car money…

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He had a lot of people money and I’d imagine a significant amount. I doubt it was only my money but I’m sure it helped


They’re using pictures from this site to advertise their products.

@J12, looks like one of your pics made the cut lol.


I have said it many times. The Chinese just are not honorable people. :man_facepalming:


Hahahaha those fuckers.