CRC Filter Media popular brands

Only purified silica and chroma media. But you’re thinking respiratory like inhalation. Very few studies on smoking have been done due to the lack of it’s needs when providing medicine via inhaler.

I’m thinking of stuff like pg/vg etc, meant to be heated and inhaled via vaporization

I know silica has been identified as a contaminant in vape oils before

I’m sure there’s a smoke study for industrial uses when being around it in case a accident happens. Good question tho.

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I think it’s safe to say the inhalation of any these medias while handling are not healthy to breathe and may cause cancer.

Now do I think the oil filtered through the media and properly filtered the media from the oil then vaporized could cause any harm

of fucking course I think it’s not healthy and can cause cancer just from smoking non crc extracts, it hasn’t been long enough time w extractions itself or even distilate at that matter to find out if it hurts u any to smoke or vaporize

From carbon chemistry to chemtek, don’t snort the powder!

Smoking anything is bad

Breathing anything other than air is bad!

I would agree. PPE needed for everything from earth to chemicals. Also I do think most people don’t treat Thier crc and medias with precision filtration. I know there’s silica on some extracts. It’s dangerous. It’s just takes a little


Without any proof, some 3 month old account claims W1 isnt ph stable and next thing ya know there is a debacle about medias being smoked lol

:rofl: Love this place

Happy Friday everybody!


Jezz John.

I think I take filteration very seriously… .22um soon. I have 4 filter paper plates , a 1um.dua.diesel tampon Tek
.then 5um welded disk then 1um welded disk. My disk never see powders although my lungs might,

I guess the try not to breathe doesn’t work everytime


It seems like silicosis is thrown around a ton. I’ve mentioned this before, and yes it’s totally anecdotal, but I have about 15-20 family members who have worked in Silica mines in north eastern Washington over the last 20-40 years, they rarely are wearing any sort of PPE currently, let alone when my older family members were working there decades ago. Probably just a hard hat and goggles at best. The entire town is covered in silica dust, including the school that’s literally across the street from the mine and huuuge piles of silica. The last time I was visiting I asked a cousin and an aunt if they’ve ever known anyone with silicosis. My cousin had never even heard of it and my aunt just kinda said, “surprisingly no” (like she had never really thought about it). There’s no weird lung cancers or other respiratory issues in the area either. But how can this be possible when people act like you can get silicosis from breathing in minute amounts of it. Different type of silica or something? Genuinely curious


Maybe the silica mine they’re pulling from isn’t a cristoballite deposit. Crystalline forms of silica are what is purported to cause silicosis but that’s definitely not the only form of silica deposit.

I know most of their silica goes off to make computer chips, or glass…if that helps at all

TIL about phytoliths

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when i add powders I wear a respirator but i also weigh them in a baggie and then cut a corner off and stuff the corner of the bag in and pour it in while pulling vac so theres not much dust.


Quit making up lies about competitors before you get put in time out again for spewing too many assburgers.

Last time you got in a crc rant, you accused Photon Noir of poisoning the community with his opaline silica suggestion. @spdking

Let’s let that one sink in.


You seem to be confusing who you’re angry at… I’m pretty confident neither oil dri nor chemtek recommend not using PPE

Anyone remember the time spdking claimed @greywolf and skunkpharm ripped off his design? I still remember you in the crayon eating facebook groups from 2013-2015 Elliot. You never change, you nasty garden gnome.


You mean when photon noir was selling info he claimed was a proprietary secret while exploiting people and lying to them, then encountering a huge back lash and mass PayPal refund situation when his bubble burst from trying to resell people basic first year chem info, or was it when I started calling his schemes and Columbo exploiting of the industry out on the public…I don’t get silenced for speaking the truth, I get serial reported and silenced by mechanism of the forum. Not for actually posting foul things. If you have such feelings you can go serial report the gang gang of offenders on here.

We’re not not selling t41 to make water clear :man_shrugging:

Are you on crack??? What nonsense are you even talking about. I’ve been in this industry and using closed loops since 2004/5. And supplying water hash since about 2002/3. Literally was a registered vendor in California and held a vendor card in the early days. You must be thinking about when I said David McGee was closed loop extracting far before grey wolf. And if you knew your history grey wolf couldn’t get attendies and decided to make a slander post on his skunk farm website tittles, summit research buyer beware. This was a malicious act on his part and he wrote complete lies(i didn’t even really know who he was back then). He was literally mad he was teach decade old theories and no ody wanted to go to his classes. So all those students were coming to visit me for training. So he started a public slander about me and none of it was true…he became more enraged and lied again about me when I was doing distillate systems and he was in hot water over his poor performance and undelivered guarantees on his terp tromel.

If you Wana talk history you should be educated in it. I was the person who converted closed loops into true closed loops, prior to my work they were all split loops. But maybe you don’t remember that either. I was literally the first person on the industry to create a full free info groups and pages giving info away for free on return getting death threats by scammer consultants.

If you lie about me, make sure you do it to my face.

You do realize neither do I. I relate on the filtration, separation and refinement process to make d9 water clear. Don’t you remember when I released the whole tech early 2015 publicly? I even wrote part of it in a patent and was validated by about a dozen people back then.

Learn your history.