Crc diamonds hot jar tek

You demonstrate classic ego based insecurities… You don’t have to be Carl or Sigmund to see that. Which is why I offered to talk with you about your personal life but clearly my age and wisdom would mean nothing to you. You think you know me, which is totally insane for you to believe, while I have only spoken on what you have said and demonstrated and how it felt. And I promise you I’m not the only one, normal people don’t behave like you, who else in this stream is behaving like you?? Nobody, you should think about that, stop behaving like a victim, another classic indicator of deep seated, unaddressed insecurities… We’re done here now I think, maybe you’ll drop the who long enough to hear the love and wisdom in my words, for your sake I hope so. Be good to yourself little nephew.

Okay for one your not my dad or my family don’t call me


You wanna tak about someone who has a ego they can’t set aside? You’re reading 1.5-2 yr old postings. & telling me I’m acting like a egotistical douche? Yeah my ego really got hurt man. Good try, I’m happy with my life & could give two shits about what you think you know about me. I’ve never claimed to know anything about you but what you’ve blatantly tried to accuse me of. Go speculate some more neuroscience if you’re trynna study human pathology.

You’re right your “age & wisdom” don’t mean shit to me.

“Human beings naturally pursue their own interests; however, self-centredness is very limiting. When you’re concerned about others, bullying and exploitation cease. There are two levels of compassion, one a biological instinct, the other the result of awareness. Just wishing to be compassionate, or saying that God or the Buddha wants us to be compassionate is not very effective. What we need is education and training.”- The Dalai Lama

Back to hot jar tek?


That’s what I’ve been leaning towards but got someone trying to evaluate me.

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We’re all being evaluated in the eyes of others… I understand the need to defend, butt fuck 'em in the end. Anyone can be anyone here, but you can’t change what you see when you put the screen down…


100% that’s why it’s sad he/she keeps trying to further it literally getting no where & adding nothing to this thread. If they wanna talk shit we can meet & talk shit if this the respect they’re planning to show.

I know my worth & capabilities, I don’t need someone trying to tell me about me, when they can’t even read through a paper cause it’s

That to me speaks to what they hold themself accounted for, & to try to also foreshadow some shade on others is in turn showing how fragile of an ego said person would have.

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Lots of new people still read this thread and there is no need to clutter it up not trying to be negative just no need for a pissing match . Lets focus on crc diamonds . I have quit using jars a long time ago now i only use pyrex . Only thing i use jars for is good old fashioned live runs to preserve as much terps as possible


I completely agree, I just wish folks would read a entire thread instead of stopping 25% through. Trying to talk shit on some postings that are 2 years old ain’t gonna get them no where here. Reading all the way through will. No one does r&d without research & READING ALL OF THE PAPER.

For making them it just all depends on the consistency & structure of your lattice you might be wanting to obtain. I’ve since then figured out multiple large scale crystallization procedures & various teks, written my own as well. Some I give out some I don’t. If this new member would have read the entire thread he would have came across one too. :man_shrugging:t3:

You can change up a few variables to make them grow faster or slower, just depends on what your looking to do.

I’m not here to have pissing matches (yes I know I shit post on occasion) but in all reality I’m here for the community & to help others succeed & level up. Not to be condescending towards individuals.

Edit: seen a typo


Hey what cut was that other one, was it candy rain?


It was candy cane . It is a cross of slurricane and something else . It is supposed to be purple and super frosty never tried but the homie said its fire.

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Here’s the run that paper filter failed and maybe channeled a bit and clogged the disk.

Looking like some boulders in there. Probably just slush.

First time posting and first time making diamonds. I just wanted to thank you all and my homie for helping me!


Media bros crx/cry media is the hands down the best. Unless your looking to go super clear then you need some silica gel. Any refined oil will yield better results in hot jar tek. Get rid of fats, refine oil with media. Oven 80 to 100 depending on desired speed and crystal size. You can also pull a light vac to speed things up a bit. Play around with the things you can control to find what your looking for. Big crystals… No heat leave highly refined dewaxed resin in jar with seed crystal. Wait 90 days+. You should have some big boys in there if not one large crystal. Pour off terp layer and reseed …wait another 7-10 days.




I’ve been following on IG… Keep up the awesome work!!!

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u need to try lustermax or w1 obviously

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It’s ok… I wouldn’t dare call it the best…


Pretty sure he’s gonna need two fistfulls if it’s that mediabros midz.

Hands up it fucking sucks.

I have to throttle it slower than I can push through w1.

It doesn’t get rid of fats either.

My cats had the right idea. It’s kitty litter.