Crazy cart making video

Vg is good at extracting terps pre-decarb. I’ve had good tasting vg tinctures, but they are weak…5mg/ml.

Personally I don’t understand why more people don’t just vape straight flower. I haven’t smoked in 10 years, but could never get into the vape cart thing.

Greywolf posted links yrs ago in ic, riu, thcfarm, and the like. I just retain the info, I didnt save the links.

I haven’t smoked flower in 3yrs. Disty only and the carts I make.


There’s nothing bad about this process. If you guys are thinking that PG and VG are unsafe, you might want to start actually reading up on studies. There is so far NO, I repeat NO study that shows vaping PG or VG is unsafe. Yes, PG and PEG can form formaldehyde at very high temperatures, but if you read past the damn article headlines and echo chamber of peers and social media posts you’ll see that the amounts are extremely low. Is it there? yes. Is it enough to do damage? Not by a long shot. You produce formaldehyde naturally. There’s arsenic in your water. Your doing more damage smoking flower than vaping concentrates or extracts by a long shot. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this process.

And if you haven’t vaped flower yet, I highly suggest giving it a shot.

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For me, it is not about vaping the end product (a cannabinoid infused vape juice). My issues lie in how the product is made. There are safer ways to infuse VG/PG with cannabinoids that do not put one at greater risk. The woman in the video also seals the glass jar she is extracting in, creating a pressure vessel that is not rated for any kind of pressure (that she cooks for 30 minutes). Risk of physical injury from the process is high. Glass shrapnel can be lethal and/or leave one with permanent injuries.

I fully support people trying to get themselves medicine however they have to. Cannabis is medicine, whether or not it’s use is intended to be so. We, however, live in the information age, and there is a wealth of information a few clicks away that can guide anyone on the face of the planet to current best practices. One need only put forth the effort…

There is a company where I live that has started producing hemp derived CBD vape juice, and I would put money down to bet that they do not boil biomass in VG/PG to get the desired end product, nor do they do it in unrated pressure vessels. I was actually thinking of getting some just to see what it was like before someone decides the product needs to be pulled for legal reasons.


Enjoy that post nasal drip my friend.


Where there seems to be an issue with the PG & PEG is when things are turned way, way up or people keep holding it down and taking l o n g a s s hits where the temps can climb much higher than norm, but it tastes like shit when there is too much heat where it starts to deteriorate the PG & PEG

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You are absolutely correct. Those higher levels are typically found when dry hit. However that isn’t normal use and unbearable to inhale. It’d be like burning a steak so bad it’s a hockey puck. There’s carcinogens in anything that’s burned, but nobody’s eating burnt ass dry steak. Well some may, but I think we can all agree that they are heathens.