Covid Scientific Literature

Everyone turned out fine





Your citations, which were funded by Pharma companies with a financial interest in the vaccines getting fast tracked and who have a history of guilty verdicts for lying to and poisoning people, are more trust worthy than 30+ peer reviewed papers showing the efficacy of a dirt cheap, universally safe (40+ year history) drug?

Letā€™s say we do trust Pfizer to tell the truth about a fast tracked vaccine they stand to profit billions on.

Their own paper says this is only relevant for 2 months worth of data.


Sorry. Iā€™m reading this through a non-US specific lens.

From what Iā€™ve been able to ascertain, many of the worldā€™s health organisations are currently studying ivermectin on covid.

They (obviously) canā€™t prescribe it based on a smattering of small studies, but the data seems to be showing that it is indeed effective. Governing health bodies are taking what I think is both a smart and conservative approach, to adding it to possible treatments. I think Trump and hydroxychloroquine probably put us behind by months into exploring new treatments, asā€¦ He was full of shit lol.

I can think of 5-6 ā€œcuresā€ that the internet said were completely effective that were shot down pretty hard. Ivermectin is the only thing thatā€™s passing preliminary trials right now. If I had to hazard a guess, itā€™s likely going to have some fairly widespread adoption within the coming 5-6 months. Orā€¦ Likely will be a long-term solution if some pundits are correct in thinking weā€™ll never actually be rid of covid.


Agreed. He was such an idiot and gave so many people brain worms that we ended up with a large swath of the population denying hard science because of political bias (both dumb sides act like this)


Laypeople seem to really only cling onto the ā€œscienceā€ that supports their feelings.


To be fair Fauci recommended HCQ in his emails, which I think is where Trump got the idea.


Yeah, would be good to see what he said. Knowing Trump it was ā€œpossible cureā€ got warped into ā€œthis has to work or I might not win the electionā€


India seemed pretty confident in it.


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Reread the title, will re-edit

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See. Hereā€™s where you lose myself and most others. I donā€™t think itā€™s a massive destructive global conspiracy. I think itā€™s a combination of clumsiness and greed.

Hanlonā€™s razor likely applies. Were dealing with stupidity not malice.

Politicians doing whatever is politically apt.


No conspiracy? No malice, just profit!


Curious how the VAERS numbers coincidence with other countries.

The US has probably the most millitant group of anti-vaccers on the planet, all able to self report to the self reporting agency.

Godā€¦ This worldā€™s confusing.

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are those the same lipids that are a known cancer casing agent and labeled poison?

Dude, for the love of empiricism please cite original data and not some news headline.

Honestly, I am highly skeptical that even for young people the vaccines are more dangerous than a sars-cov-2 infection. The risk of myocarditis is in fact real and concerning, but it is low, and we are still collecting data on that. There is possibly an equal or higher risk for the same condition from getting the sars-cov-2 virus.


I know lots of covid long haulers. Thereā€™s treatment centres in most major cities. My buddy canā€™t weld well anymore, heā€™s completely exhausted after 2-3 minutes of work and itā€™s been 8 months. My other friends a server and her memoryā€™s near gone.

I donā€™t think weā€™re even scratching the surface of what the virus has done to our potential economic output. Some people have some serious long term damage that isnā€™t being factored into our equations for the true ā€œcostā€ of the pandemic.

Itā€™s scary.


govt and corps dont give a f? this was wrong for this thread so ill stop there.

can someone here post the ā€œscienceā€ that says a mask works to prevent spread? At some point ā€œscienceā€ was saying to let amazon packages sit on th porch 24 hours before touching it or youd get covid. In my little research last year I saw a couple studies from CHINA from 2017