Edit: I’m not gonna freight all this too Oklahoma. Or any of my other shit. BUT… if any Oklahomans wanna fly to Sacramento, I’ll pick you up. Provide you with a truck and trailer to get it all to a freight yard, and generally help facilitate the process for ya.
tem Model/Manufacturer: unknown
Description: 2x large jacketed recovery vessels. No specs listed on them.
Price/MSRP: $ $1200 each.
Current location of item: outside Sacramento
Estimated lead time: available now
Trades and all offers considered.
6x cmep pumps for sale. $300 each or 6 for $1250
7x AI 110v 1.9 cf ovens. All work. $350 each or 7 for $1500. Which is… 7 for less than the cost of 1. S
ad times.