Corken t91 price drop!

Item Model/Manufacturer: Corken t91
Description: t-91
Price/MSRP: $ 5k
Current location of item: spokane wa
Estimated lead time: Days
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: as is

I have used corken t-91.
It is 3phase
I have a variable frequency drive
1200$ Retail value
Also a box of various parts for maintenance and repair
Valued at 3500 retail value

i have all original invoices

A fair offer on the pump and I’ll throw the inverter and parts in for free

5k priced to move

Delivery available in Washington/Oregon/ Montana
shipping available elsewhere

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first 5k takes this!!!

Good day. That sounds like amazing deal

Just making sure it’s a working unit

Is available??

Still available

Whats that valve for sticking out the right side of the corken?

I think it’s an oil drain

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Ive ran several corken t91s, this is the first time im ever seeing that outlet, i want to say it has to do with the variable frequency drive because i have never used one but thats an electronic device to regulate voltage/frequency. Which maybe needs another port/something to help regulate? Not sure but def safe to say its not for oil removal as ive seen oil changes by our hvac tech/thats a horrible place to gravity drain oil. Horrible design if so. But again i think it has to relate to the upgrade they got… would be glad to hear any comments from someone who has dealt with a corken with this extra port

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