Consulting for THC Remediation

It’s essentially worthless for concentrates and not much better for flower. They are however updating their software and calibration standards on a semi-regular basis. Based on interactions with their support department, I think they actually want to have a solid product.

“How does it feel, to want?”


I’m looking for consulting, to optimize our current thc remediation process with buchi tecnology.
Would you recommend someone for it?

I can help with the buchi. Where are you located?

Anyone ever tried a Buchi freeze dryer?

I would probably start a thread about this to get a better chance at finding someone with buchi freeze dryer experience.

makes sense, wasnt sure how interested I was… more of a passing thought. I looked them up, and It seems like its made a little more sensitive than options currently being used. I would imagine hitting it with lots of terpenes/ IWE would probably kill it eventually. But I could be wayy off… who knows.