So its been a while but, I wanted to do some data logging on a spd run and pivoted slightly on this project. I was looking for a tool to help quickly digitize any piece of data and give me the ability to visualize in realtime and post-run. From that, v2 was born:
The above is small distillation run monitoring system vacuum, head temp, bf temp, and condenser temp. (Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the cold trap monitor setup in time for this run but I do think theres something wrong with the cold finger.).
Any signal can be captured and relayed for active and post monitoring with a simple wifi capable microcontroller and mqtt. I built a library for the esp8266 chipset but will be expanding to other microcontrollers.
This quest originally started because I wanted a simple and cheap way to monitor vacuum depth. I took the time to redesign my original 901p sensor reader and have landed on this:
The simple device plugs into a 901p and starts sending vacuum over wifi/mqtt. Reach out if interested in an inexpensive data logging vacuum monitor, I had a few of these boards printed and hope to be able to offer diy kits and pre-built devices.
My goal is to have a simple web service up and running in the next few weeks, as well as finalize a few more hardware designs and devices for data logging temperature.