Comprehensive Cannabinoid Survey in Collaboration with University of Michigan and University of Buffalo

Dr. Sean Norris, Director of Chemistry at MC Nutraceuticals, is collaborating with researchers from the University of Michigan and the University of Buffalo to conduct a comprehensive cannabinoid survey. This survey aims to delve into the consumer experience with cannabinoid usage, providing valuable insights. The research will contribute to the industry’s understanding of both single and simultaneous multi-usage of various cannabinoids. I am excited to support this research and eagerly anticipate how the gathered data will enhance our knowledge of the positive effects of cannabinoids.

Please fill out the study below so we can collect the best data possible. Another huge step forward on cannabinoid science thank you to all who participate!

You will also get a 40% off code to upon completion!


Super excited to see the results of the survey! Thank you everyone that has participated so far!