Color Remediation Cycle Times

My bad, totally didnt understand the original post.

But we are getting a full 35-40lbs solvent thru our CRC in about 20min on average. We run nitro assist and push at about 80-100 PSI to ensure a full extraction from material column to and thru the CRC.

This question is kind of tricky tho… becuz you dont really want to be going “fast” thru your CRC. You want more of a steady even stream of solvent going thru and out. The faster you go the more color and undesirables you will pull. The trick is finding that perfect medium between filter and flow. It also depends on the size of your filter cake and if your processing dry material runs or live resin runs. You will have a bigger filter bed/cake for dry material than live/fresh material. Our dry material runs always take a little longer for this very reason, just takes longer to travel thru the extra amount of absorbants in the filter.

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In my neck of the woods we havent been packing columns full of media, if any media is packed its a “puck” at its highest. Unless we are doing actual chromatography we treat this process like any other bleaching op. A stall vessel with adsorbent/product, inject warm gas thru bubble orifice for mass transfer for a few minutes then send it thru some depth filters.


I am about to try crc in a 4 inch column. I dont have tons of material and it seems the 100 grams to lb for w1 will only be a very short bed of powder. Is that normal to only have a very short bed?

A minimu thickness of 3/4” is needed for good results
I have placed them in the reducer some times to have a thicker cake

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im mildly confused why I built a 12 inch tall crc. I guess its for the future when i run 20 lbs through it all at once? Im happy to hear its normal to have a small puck and not a column full.

Unless you have a high pressure rated system no clamp bigger than 6 inch so <300Psi
I would not recomend such fat cakes
You ll need a heavy nitrogen push to get treu 12” if biomass isn t well dry and there is moisture in your solution

I just copied other crc designs but it seems overkill, Ill never be running that much media because its just a 12 inch collection. It didnt cost much more so I guess its fine, now ill have a tall column of liquid can sit on top of the cake. Im using felt on top of the cake too to break the fall. How am I supposed to wash w1? Do a dry run with just solvent and a 5 micron filter? When I think in terms of a buchner funnel it makes sense to have a short cake. I just saw the big tubes and presumed they would be full.

Never heard the term bubble orifice. A quick Google search didn’t turn up anything relevant. Care to elaborate?

oh yea, rereading my statement now and it is not a clear statement there.
-For just color remediation with clays/silica and not pulling fractions -
One can inject warm gas thru a multi orifice located in the bottom of the mixture/vessel to achieve some agitation and a lil heat. The setup must be designed such that you can safely control flow rate and vessel pressure as to not over pressure - theres a many ways for managing such depending on the rest of your system design. One could also just agitate it under slight heat while managing pressure as well. It does not need to utilize a sintered disk for filtration when transferring after cycle is finished, and instead can be done with a depth type filter(s).

Got ya. Thanks!