Sorry for my english i’m french
During my last distillation SPD on THC material, I absolutely didn’t capture anything in the cold trap, no volatile vapor, no ethanol vapor, yet the trap was filled with dry ice. Is it normal? During my previous distillations on CBD material I always had a well-filled cold trap flask …
I’m using OSS glassware, 17.5CFM rotary pump, rotovap and decarboxylation @140C before distillation, I use BHO as primary material.
What was your input material? If it was distillate and you’re running a second pass it’s possible who ever did the first pass just dug into the main fraction and did a good job a removing all the other shit that would have otherwise ended up in your trap
Edit: are you only running dry ice in it? You’ll need to add some ethanol or something to the trap as well