Coated Preroll setup 2x Futurola Knockbox 100/Glue Machinery Hot Coat 7

Item Model/Manufacturer: Futurola Knockbox 100 Preroll setup with Glue Machinery Hot Coat 7


2x Knockbox 100 with wooden carrying cases for each unit
2x Knockbox Spill tray
4x Knockbox Cone Loader
6x Knockbox unload station
1x Knockbox Dutch Crown Device
2x Super Shredder og (1 unit is missing bag and lid)
2x Futurola 900ct 11/4" prerolls

1x Glue Machinery Corporation Hot Coat 7

Price/MSRP: $25,000 MSRP $38,918
Current location of item: Santa Barbara, CA
Estimated lead time: Days 7
Fulfillment: Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: Through manufacturers

Willing to drop price yet?
Im interested in the knockbox items.

Will take them if you can do a deal.

Are you able to sell it piecemeal or just the whole lot

Is this still available?