CLS blows up Trailer with two kids inside

cls is simple to learn if you just think of it as a hvac system. its easier that way than learning from brett maverick- he got a new channel on youtube. 3 Men's HAIRSTYLES that take LESS than 3 Minutes - YouTube


for your bug out bag make the last round of ammo a one hitter.

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No my man, that will be a syringe full of di-morphine. Weed ainā€™t gonna cut it there.

Or my last bullet would be a bulletā€¦

hardest narcotic ive tried is tylenol 3, i get it prescribed when i get into motorcycle or bicycle crashes and dont take it because its bad with alcohol.


On topic , my worst adult pain was a bho accident. I got burnt up bad. I had a broken femur as a kid but probably went into shock. I got a fire in my tub becaue of pooling and when the plastic shower curtain burned i grabbed it and it melted over my hand.

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No, you donā€™t take it because you are bad with Tylenol 3 and alcohol. :rofl:

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s plenty of soccer moms who handle it smooooooth. :rofl:

And dude, @thumper I love our convoā€™s.

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Honestly I had no choice but to switch to cls. I was spraying too much solvent into the atmosphere. I got to an unsafe point in my hobby and needed to correct that.


I think thatā€™s the very reason most rational people either 1. Stop, 2. Improve. Or 3. Boom boom.

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that was the tech in 2004 cls was new, i went bak to bubblebags till 2013 or so

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In 2004 yeah, it was absolute cutting edge, not many could claim to be an expert then.

Glad those times are harder to come by, but thereā€™s still room to learn. Glad you are safe man, I have worked with a few burn victims, burns are absolutely no jokeā€¦

it was all open blast, no vac ovens, it was heat to purge

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product was better than what seems to come out the cls i was double boiling via the bathtub and forgot how it pools.

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I had a neighbor who burned his kitchen to the ground, and lost some hair and eyebrows. Using a stove to purge, at least it was electric

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i dont think i even had a dab rig? I dunno what i was doing? or else my nails are older than my dog time flies nails stink.

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I still have a weird love for those old quarts nails, I always loved how you could use your thumb to carb it.

But, nothing beats a good olā€™ electronic device.

the nails always broke. my bangers last till my dogs tail hits them.ill stop NOW= sidco is sending this into the off toopic section so ill stop now.


I was open blasting from 2014 to 2017 learned a lot. Was scared shitless every run though.


just do it on a windy day

Always had a pre boiled pot of water under our plates though.

No electricity under anything or any coil burners, no cigarettes or joints lit, no vapes were allowed.

Only jeans were allowed to be wornā€¦

It was crazy how like even though there was a lot of variables I had no control over the biggest of which was the way the vapor cloud could travel, I always took measures to be the safest I could be.

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Iā€™ve never worried about my open blasting, but usually only using a single can of N-butane to run like a half ounce. Thought oils so cheap and available now I donā€™t bother making my own runs.