Closed loop system with dry ice and heated buckets for recovery

If you’re looking for more info specifically on moving your solvent around without using a pump, then “passive” is your search term. Turns out we didn’t have that as a tag. we do now.

Using an appropriate chiller and a circulating hot water heater works at pretty much all scales. some also add pumps, some don’t.

Unless that bucket heater, and more importantly it’s thermostat are appropriately sealed, they are an ignition source and shouldn’t be anywhere near your collection pots.

If you’re running 4 or 5 pots a day, you ought be playing safety like a professional.

You can build a circulating hot water heater for under $200 using parts sourced at home despot. 1500W element & thermostat. $50 in Black pipe fittings for the boiler (just big enough for the element). Hot water recirc pump. 50-100ft of pex or heater hose so your source of ignition can be stored at a safe distance.

Unless you’re good with machines, you’re better off paying another $50 and using a prebuilt on demand water heater. And a hot water circulation pump.

Which is the same trick used to recover 100l/hr ethanol…

To replace your dry ice, you’ll need to spend real money on a chiller. $15k would not be unreasonable for a quality chiller to hit -70 on a system that size.

You might score it for $2k on eBay.