Closed loop extractors, best offer gets it

I got a tamisium someone gave me when they moved out of state if your looking for something smaller around that price range. :wink::face_with_head_bandage::joy:
I think if u grind and pack with a hammer u can get about 60 in it… grams that is.

mines got lots of columns. from 3x18 3x36 4x18 4x36 and a 6 inch jacketed 1 footer. I still have a 1.5 inch column too. Mine prolly cost more than 4300 bu i have all swaglok valves and stuff.

please dm me if you still have 30 lb units

thats a collectors item now sir

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Oh man, don’t say that hahaha I have 3 tamisium extractors I still use. Hahahahaha


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