Closed Column Diamond Miner

Hey guys, just want to say thank you for the wealth of information that’s on here and that I appreciate any advice I receive.

I have a diamond miner by sunthai and a closed column extractor off Amazon that I no longer use.

I added the closed column to the diamond miner and am seeking advice.

Is it a complete waste of time for making diamonds or do you think it will work?

Have you done anything similar?

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Without an explanation of what you’re trying to achieve, , or pictures of what you actually built, it’s next to impossible to advise you on how well the thing you built will work.

You took one of these,

And added one of these?!?

To what end?

What is it you imagine will be useful about your extended, 8 legged pipe bomb?!?

Why would it work any better OR any worse than what you started with?!?

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My original thought with this was that I could pack the tube, blast it through,
hold the butane in the pressure vessel…make diamonds. No transfer needed.

I’ll be using my closed loop from now on.

Sorry, I originally had posted from my phone and wasn’t having any luck uploading photos.
You’re exactly right. It was a pipe bomb. Glad I took it outside to try it out. I should’ve thought the concept through more thoroughly.

Ended up building 80 lbs of pressure and I released it out the top of the contraption slowly until it was released. I then unscrewed the sight glass, let the butane finish evaporating, then poured the solution into a jar and put it on a bath.

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Understanding how to turn what you built into a closed loop first would be a much safer route.

You retained a valve between your “miner” and your “closed column yes?

So what were you missing to recover your solvent?

How could you add that?

why the fuck didn’t you think this all the way through before building it? Seriously…

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I’m both new to the path and on the path to learn, so I appreciate your line of questions. I clearly have a lot to learn. I did retain a valve when I made the conversion, but to use it I would have to implement it in the pressure gauges location.

This is what you were referring to I think?

Be safe bro!

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A tee there would have been enabling…

Yes the questions are to aide your exploration

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I appreciate you helping me to think through the concept man.



Don’t be a BLEVEr…

Don’t need no more BLEVE’rs

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