Clear crc extracts

Hey guys , been doing crc for about a couple months now , but still haven’t gotten the crystal clear shatter . Right now I’m turning crap product into bright yellow and orange extracts on my second , third and forth run. ( the first run with brand new crc media gives me a light tan color) . Happy with the results but I’m still trying to perfect my filter media to get that crystal clear color that some people are after these days . Right now I’m running 50 gs of t-5, 50 gs of activated alumina , and 30 grams of Silica On a one pound closed loop inline crc setup . Any ideas on what media/ what amount of media I need to get crystal clear results . ( I’m using crap material to start so not sure if a crystal clear final product is possible). I run it with a de- waxing column filled with a dry ice and ethanol slushy sometime and sometimes I just run it with regular ice … and to be honest I can’t tell I difference in my final product :thinking:. Any help is a lot of help , thanks guys !

i personally wouldnt want straight clear extracts especially shatter… Just my opinion. bright yellow is a desired outcome especially from shit.

Its easy to go from fire to clear becuase you dont need to lighten as much… but to go from Doo Doo brown to clear is a bit harder and will usually need some t41 or other adsorbent for a more aggressive scrub. Your gonna lose just about all your taste if this is the goal


try not running crap?


Fire in fire out brau!


If you really want super clear colourless shatter from garbage input like trim, keep doubling your adsorbent mass until a run only pulls clear. Expect a hit on your yields though.

Ain’t nothing wrong with orange


add the right amounts i feel i can turn the poop yellow but the cake is no good after 1x use


Killa is correct, your going to need t41 at about 50 to 75g/lb, 50g/lb t5 and 30 to 50g/lb of silica. No need for alumina

Bottom t41
Middle t5
Top silica


Jjst use @MediaBros crx works wonders or @PharmExOregon granular they both work wonders and are way better then powders all around.

Thanks for the info guys . I am going to try Sonics crc tech to try for some clear … but I appreciate the Info about clear extracts being flavorless … but I am also slightly confused about that because when I first got into crc I was running way to much media in my filter ( about 750 grams total per pound ) and I got absolutely no yield as far as shatter or crumble , but surprisingly I did yield about a gram of pure terpene oil . Makes me think it should be possible to get clear stuff with I nice flavor tho?

seems like a really high amount of powders for only a 1lb material column, even for trash material.

what biomass to butane ratio are you using? or how much solvent per run, and how much material are you actually able to pack into the 1lb cls?

120 to 150g/lb. Not really. To achieve clear from boof

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Ew. People will actually do that???

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I wouldn’t expect to get any appreciable yield after that CRC! If you used silica, you most likely only eluted the least polar molecules that were in your crude extract, which indeed would be waxes and terpenes.

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sounds like you might have been doing chromatography…chances are more solvent would have bought your cannabinoids along.

see: Color remediation chromatography to get started