Cleaning out shop

Looking to sell all this if anyone can assist or point me in the direction that’d be great. Came with the place lol. No clue where to start, I will upload another pic later of a car spray paint booth 15ishx25ish It was close to 30k new- were hoping someone would clear all this out around 16.5k open to counters.

Edit -car not included lol


Pick up in Los Angeles. I’ll throw some of the shops home grown for fun(stores just next door)


If you decide to ship anything let me know. You have a great looking set of tools there. I would love to take that lift off your hands.

Yea what are you interested in make an offer, we want to off it at once but willing to piece if necessary.

Call a local company like a estate auction. They will pick it up and cut you a check minus commission.

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